Tuesday, June 30, 2020

June 30

Yesterday was a good day!
I managed over 13,000 steps and finished the day with a bonus bowl of ice cream and was still way under my calorie goal.

I don't know what my activity will look like today. I'm still not much of a follow a routine kind of guy. Since I have some morning errands (I'm in a Dr's waiting room now), I'll make this an intermittent fasting day. 

I think I'll start posting some of my food choices and maybe a few recipes. I don't follow any particular diet plan. Most of us have a pretty good idea of what is healthy and unhealthy. I try to include more of the good stuff and consume the not so good for you stuff (like ice cream) in moderation.

Be well,

Monday, June 29, 2020

June 29

After a week of relatively low activity but keeping watch on the diet, this morning's weigh-in was satisfactory -- 236 pounds. I know. That's where I was two weeks ago (I skipped last week), but I'm happy with it and still on track to make my next interim goal.

Today will be a more active day. I'll mow the yard portion of our 5 acre plot. It's about an acre and, although I could use the riding mower, I'll walk it using the push mower. Fortunately, it will be a bit cooler than it has been and I'll try to get that done early in the day.

Be well,

Sunday, June 28, 2020

June 28

Another typical day -- light on activity, okay on diet.
After skipping a week, I'm a little concerned about tomorrow's weekly weigh in. I'll be happy if I stay even and not regressed.
I'll try to have more to post in the future.

Be well,

Saturday, June 27, 2020

June 27

Good day.
More active. Got some outdoor work accomplished. Ate well.
Really hoping to be back on track by Monday morning's weigh in. I need a well disciplined weekend.

Be well,

Friday, June 26, 2020

June 26

Very good food day yesterday. I had planned on a meatless day but messed up and mindlessly heated up some leftovers for my dinner. Oops!
Still had a good calorie day.

Low activity, though. Need to be more active today. The shaded and peaceful deck is just so inviting!

Be well,

Thursday, June 25, 2020

June 25

Yesterday was -- meh.
A low activity day -- 5557 steps and not much else. And a not so great diet day.
I mostly ate good foods, just too much throughout the day (plus 3 beers adds a lot of meaningless calories).

Really need to regain control of the eating -- better choices and better portions.
Isn't that always the struggle?

Be well,

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

June 24

Good day on the calorie count.
Lazy day on activity.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

June 23

I'm back on track.
Yesterday was mostly spent doing yard work. The My Fitness Pal app says it's around 250 calories burned per hour of mowing on a riding mower. Normally I'd say that's way high, but after getting beat up over 4 acres of not so smooth terrain, I might agree.
I also loaded, moved, and unloaded a small trailer with rock. Fun times.

A good day on the diet, as well.

There's plenty more yard work to be done, but I'm feeling like an easy day is in order. I may just handle some of I lighter work today. Then again, once I get started I may do more than I plan on doing. We'll see.

Be well,

Monday, June 22, 2020

June 22

Back on track with a decent diet day.
Activity was okay. Fewer than 5000 steps (4887), but moved some gravel and rocks.
More of that activity today.

Be well, 

Sunday, June 21, 2020

June 21

I skipped logging and posting for a couple of days. I also should have skipped checking the scale for a few days. It is pretty amazing (and so unfair) that a couple of days of poor eating can undo a couple of weeks of progress in weightloss. To be kind to my ego, I'm going to skip the official weekly weigh-in tomorrow and give myself the week to recover.
At least I met my walking goals for the week.

Back to work.
Be well,


Thursday, June 18, 2020

June 18

Okay, I managed a walk after my day in the car and had 6,813 steps.
Diet was a bust. I didn't even track calories; I just kept eating. I have one word to say in my defense -- Mom.

She decided I needed a traditional birthday dinner from my past -- chicken adobo!
And birthday cake.

Oh well. That was yesterday.
Enjoy an occasional extravagance. 

Be well,

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

June 17

17,114 steps!
I haven't had that many steps in quite some time. I won't have that many today since I'll be in the car for about 7 hours. I need to get 5,000 in. A post ride walk will be in order.

I also had a decent diet day and easily finished well under the calorie target. Today will be more of a challenge as I'm meeting a friend and fellow blogger at Ted Drewe's Frozen Custard in St. Louis and have the long drive.
Just coffee and a morning drive for now. I'll probably wait for the midday Ted Drewe's to break fast.

Let's go!
Be well,

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

June 16

I managed a Meatless Monday. It wasn't difficult as I also had a modified intermittent fasting day. In a minor cheat I had a bit of 2% milk in the last of my morning coffee and an early afternoon iced coffee with cream. The rest of the day's 1300 calories (well below my daily target) were consumed between 3pm and 9pm and did include a single scoop of ice cream with a bit of chocolate syrup (diet coke float) and four pecan shortbread cookies with 2% milk.

I also managed 10,242 steps. 
In an effort to accommodate our schedules and maintain a modest level of activity, my sister and I have agreed to 3 days of 10K steps this week, and 3 days of at least 5K steps. Today will be a little cooler than it's been, so it might be good for the second 10K day.

Be well,

Monday, June 15, 2020

June 15

Day off.
Limited activity.
Started but didn't finish logging foods.
It's a new week.


Sunday, June 14, 2020

June 14

I think yesterday was the third time in eight weeks that I went over my daily calorie target. It wasn't by a lot and if I would have done even a small amount of exercise I would have been okay. My step count was low and I spent about 5 hours on the mower, mowing our field.
According to the My Fitness Pal app, 5 hours on a riding mower adds in a bunch of activity calories, but I didn't log them. It didn't really feel like that much work.

Back to work.
Slow and steady.
Change the lifestyle.
Change the body.
220 by 9/5.


Saturday, June 13, 2020

June 13

Yesterday was another active day of doing work without any time for "exercising." I recorded 8,168 steps and was plenty tired at the end of the day. I think I'm kind of taking the day off today.
Even as I type that I know that awareness about activity and diet are becoming a way of life and there won't really be a day off.
My June 13 weight is 238. That's -20lbs in just over eight weeks -- not record setting as weight loss goes, but quick weight loss was never the goal.

I was well below my calorie target for the day. One benefit of hard work and hot weather is a reduced appetite. This past week I've been intentionally snacking at night to get more calories (usually protein) for the day!

Just going to be on cruise control today. We'll see where it takes me.

Be well,

Friday, June 12, 2020

June 12

Yesterday was a work day! And it was a workday that included a few steps -- 11,197.
I went to bed early and slept late. Today will be a similar day as I finish some of the projects I started yesterday. I just want to say that I am really glad that I had a career that let me sit on my butt and use my brain rather than one that required manual labor.
In a way I feel that active fitness is better than working out regularly, but I realize that when days like yesterday are not the norm, planned exercise is also important. I'm still working on that part.

I had a meatless day yesterday (and it wasn't even Monday). It wasn't planned. It just turned out that way. Even after having milk and cookies for an afternoon snack, I was well below my daily calorie target. 
We have a few avocados that will reached use or lose status today, so I think Chris is planning on chicken salad with avocados for tonight.

Tomorrow is my 60th birthday and the first of my short term target dates. I reached the 240 lb. goal at Monday's weigh-in, but took a quick scale check to make sure I will still be at or below that weight tomorrow. It's been a good week and all is well.

Be well,

Thursday, June 11, 2020

June 11: Another challenge

I thought it was going to be a lazy day. My sister was taking a day off from exercising due to her work schedule, so I thought I would, too. I know -- I'm retired and had no excuse for a day off. I just figured I'd borrow hers. Then around 8:30pm I see this on my Facebook wall:

A quick check showed I was at fewer than 5,000 steps.
Now I felt like I needed to get at least that many steps. And if I was going to walk a mile, well ... why not walk two and get 10,000? 
I ended the day with 10,589.

I had a decent diet day, but still need to up the protein number. 

Today will be an low step active day. I've got some flower bed/planter boxes to build and a small fence/wall to hide the garbage dumpster. I think I'll be working on mowing the field today. I'll need to remember to suspend my step counter while on the mower.

It's going to be another beautiful day in the Ozarks -- a good day to be active.
Be well,


Wednesday, June 10, 2020

June 10

Yesterday's step goal was 7500 (per my sister) and achieved. I ended up with 8,237. She's apparently got this thing called "work" that takes up a bunch of time. Due to her schedule and my indifference, I don't have anything planned for today's activity. I'll figure it out as I go.

I had a good day on the diet side. In fact, it was good enough to splurge on a few cookies in the evening and still finish way under!

But that's all in the past.
Today is today. 
I'm feeling a little lazy today, so I might just make sure I have a good diet day and take it easy on the activity side. Or maybe I'll find some motivation to do more somewhere along the way.

Be well,

Monday, June 8, 2020

June 9: Mission Accomplished

It's actually a few minutes before midnight on the 8th as I write this day's report.
I just passed 12,000 steps so it was a good activity day. I'd like to be able to report a purposeful day of planned exercise, but that isn't what happened. What happened is I worked at clearing almost all of the stuff out of the garage. That meant a bunch of trips from the garage, around the house to the basement. I moved a couple of pieces of furniture as well as boxes, tubs, and pictures. 
By the time I was finished I not only had 10,000+ steps, we are now able to park both cars and the motorcycle in the garage!

On the diet front, I had planned a modified intermittent fast day. The initial plan was to eat between noon and 8pm. Noon turned into 4 o'clock before I stopped working and had a nice mixed berry, protein smoothie. We had dinner around 5:30 and I finished out the day with a blueberry protein smoothie around 8. 
Over-all I was below my starting calorie target for the day. Add in the exercise calories from 12,000 steps and I ended up with over 1000 calories still on the table (so to speak).

Little sister set tomorrow's (6/9) step count at 7,500. I think I'll walk my bicycle the mile to the gas station, air up the tires, and ride it home. That will cover almost a third of my steps and take care of getting air in the bike tires. I suppose I'll do the same with Chris's bike at some point.

Be well,

June 8: An Unexpected Challenge

It's Monday and that means it's weekly weigh in day.
This morning's scale was a solid 240, so I made my first interim goal a few days early.

I had a very weak step day yesterday (2,911), but did get a good 45 minutes on the exercise cycle. I am okay with that and actually starting to prefer it as a daily exercise time. I get more cardio benefit from cycling than from walking and also burn more calories.

But ...
Last night I received a text from my younger sister asking if I made my 10k steps and making a challenge that we both get our 10,000 steps for today.
Sacrebleu! I guess I'm in for 10k steps today.

Yesterday was a good day on the diet. I still need to up the protein intake so I might decide to make a protein shake a daily snack or meal replacement for a period of time. I have twelve weeks to lose my next 20 pounds. I know it's not a great challenge for the weight loss, but the weight is just a way to measure my progress. The real goal is to be more healthy, and that includes how (and what) I eat as well as getting to and maintaining a more healthy level of fitness.

Be well,

Sunday, June 7, 2020

June 7: Summer struggles

It's been hot.
Hot makes me feel lazy.
Yesterday I made myself get on the treadmill for 30 minutes in the morning and on the exercise cycle for 45 in the evening. I ended the day with only 7,948 steps, so I only made it to 10,000 one day last week. As a matter of fact, I've only made it to 10,000 steps one day in each of the last two weeks. I should probably re-evaluate that as a daily goal.
Funny how that coincides with a slow down in the rate of weight loss.

I am still a believer in eating for weight management and exercising for good health and fitness, but there is a correlation (especially in attitude) between the two. I know that if I'm more committed to the fitness part, I'll do a better job of sticking to a healthy diet.

Yesterday's diet was more on track with total calories, but I still need to watch the percentages of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. I specifically would like to reduce processed foods.

It's a new week. Be good to your body. It's the only one you get.
I remember something an overweight old man once said to me -- "If I would have known I was going to live this long, I'd have taken better care of myself."

Be well,

Saturday, June 6, 2020

June 6: One week to goal 1

Dang! It sure is easy to be lazy when it's 95f (35c) outside!
Only 3435 steps and ate up to the calorie goal.

I did spend a little time on the weight machine yesterday morning. It wasn't for very long and it wasn't strenuous; just moving muscles again. That was my day. 
Today will be just as hot, but I'm going to have to be more active.

Be well,

Friday, June 5, 2020

June 5: Eating like a fat man

I stepped on the scale today with a little apprehension. I have been pushing the limits on the calorie count this week. Yesterday night I was on the exercise cycle for 45 minutes at 9pm just to break even!
So I got my 45 minutes of cycle time in and made my calorie target, but the scale hasn't moved since Monday.
I made 5000 steps for the day. Until I hopped on the cycle, it was a pretty lazy day.
I need to do better.
You can't out-exercise a poor diet.

Be well,

Thursday, June 4, 2020

June 4

I really do suck at this exercise thing. Yesterday was a low activity, high calorie day -- not helpful.
I ended up with fewer than 6,000 steps and just made it under the daily calorie goal. In a way, I guess making the calorie goal is a good thing, but I have a pretty high number (perks of being a fat guy) and I've gotten used to being under by a couple hundred calories.

So much for yesterday. Today is a new day with a fresh set of calories and plenty of time for exercise.

Be well,

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

June 3

It seems that I've got the hang of keeping a pretty close watch on the calories. I probably need to pay more attention to the type of calories -- fats, proteins, carbs. I do some, but I need to do better.

I have mixed my own breakfast cereal. It's a mix of rolled oats, a bag of raw walnuts, cashews, and macadamia nuts, and a bag of dried berries. A half cup serving is 199 calories with 29.2g of carbs, 7g of fat, and 5.5g of protein. I generally add a little 2% milk and eat it cold, but I could add water and heat it in the microwave for a hot cereal. Yesterday I added some fresh strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries. It was a nice healthy way to begin the day.

Yesterday was okay. Only 8,343 on steps, but I did put in 30 minutes on the exercise cycle. My ass is kind of feeling it this morning. I like the cardio work that it provides over just walking and may find that I'm doing it more often. 
Today I'll hit the weight machine again. Eventually I'll work out my own circuit routine to use a couple of times per week.

I don't know where others struggle the most on their fitness journey. Although I can certainly get overindulgent where food is concerned, regular exercise is my real nemesis. It's much easier for me to get my head around controlling diet than it is to stick to a fitness program, but I'm working on it.

Be well,

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

June 2; Daily Diary

June is off to a good start. An early walk set me up to reach 10,000 steps for the day. It was only two miles, but it made a good start for the day. Throw in a little yard work and a later walk for the mail -- bam! 10,326 steps!
I did spend a little time (30 min) on the weight machine. I was mostly just reacquainting myself with different exercises and stimulating some muscle memory. I'll be keeping it lighter weights and higher reps for a little while. It's nice to have that option to add some diversity in my exercise plan.

Yesterday was the first Meatless Monday in a few years. I think it's a good thing. I don't think Chris is as sold on it. We typically do breakfasts and lunches separately, so those are easy. A shared dinner is a little trickier.
Yesterday I experimented with a portabella parmesan. I liked it. Chris wasn't a fan.

Overall, I had a good diet day, finishing under my daily target without the additional calories added for exercise.
Today's a new day and it's time to get to work.

Be well,

Monday, June 1, 2020

June 1st: The Journey Continues

I ended May with my worst diet and activity day of the month!
It was only the second time (in six weeks) that I've not met my daily calorie target, this time by a significant amount.
And in spite of spending 20 minutes on the exercise cycle, it was probably my lowest activity day with just 4,191 steps.

But May was a good month and I start June at 241 pounds, just shy of my June 13th goal of 240. I'm feeling pretty good about it.

I did get the weight machine properly set up yesterday. The few dumbbells I have are there, as well as the exercise cycle and treadmill. It's a pretty nice little home gym for an old, fat guy. I plan on spending a little bit of time there this summer. I'll work out a June exercise plan and include it here in the next few days.
I know I'm not in great shape and it's been a while since I've done anything other than walking, so I'll be taking it easy and trying to avoid any injuries. 

At some point, I should probably check my resting heart rate, blood pressure, blood sugars, and other numbers. I'll be 60 on June 13th and am due for a physical. 

Have a great June!
Be well,
