Tuesday, September 15, 2020


 Spell check doesn't recognize backslidden as a word, but any evangelical will know it to mean a return to one's old ways and sinful past.

As this is only my second post here in a month, it isn't difficult to come to the conclusion that I haven't been doing well on the healthy living thing. Some dietary indulgences and physical laziness have contributed some added pounds over the past few weeks. Yesterday's Monday morning weigh in (the first in a few weeks) was at 234 - not good.

But with a plan to begin some regular exercise (not just physical activity) and a renewed attitude for the healthy living lifestyle, I'm sure that I'll be back on track in no time.

Although I didn't log food yesterday, I'm confident that it was a decent total calorie day. I (we, since Chris joined me) started the day with a 30 minute exercise session. We plan to make morning exercise a regular part of our day. Then I spent several hours moving dirt and doing yard work. I ended the day pacing the house while brushing my teeth to get my 10,000 steps in for the day.

I have some things to do this morning, but I'll be back to moving more dirt and working on another section of the yard. I have to admit that I'm a little sore from yesterday's activity.

Time to move!


Monday, August 24, 2020

August 24

 Wow, a two week absence. Yeah, that's not good news on the progress towards the interim goal.

I had a bad week and a decent week, so they pretty much cancelled each other out. That leaves me where I was two weeks ago with eight pounds to lose, but now I have less time (12 days). The truth is that if it was just about making 220 pounds by 9/5, I could probably do it, but I know I'd be back above 220 in the days to follow.

I'll push ahead in the coming days and be okay with missing by a few pounds. I'm still looking at a pretty easy 200 by the end of the year, even with the holidays coming at the end of it. In related progress, I managed to fit into my skinny shorts. They're snug, but I haven't been able to wear them for several years.

On the exercise side of things, I did air up the tires on my bicycle and took a short ride last week.That's new work for the leg muscles! As weather cools towards fall, maybe I'll get back to regular walks and an occasional bike ride. It'll will be another hot one (mid 90s) in the Ozarks today.

Be well,


Monday, August 10, 2020

August 10

 It's been a few days since I've posted -- so much for daily accountability! I did continue with daily food logging (except for yesterday) and kept under (barely) my target every day. Yesterday was an okay day and I'm sure I was good on the calories. I was just lazy.

I had a couple of days of light to moderate activity, still nothing in the way of regular exercise. 

A Friday night high sodium meal (and leftovers on Saturday) had me a little concerned about fluid retention for this morning's weekly weigh-in. I upped the water intake a bit yesterday to help the flushing process. This morning's number was 228, so I'm still on track -- sort of. Eight pounds to lose in 26 days.

Be well, my friends!


Thursday, August 6, 2020

August 6

Another typical day -- good on the intake, low on the output.
The midweek scale check looks good so I'm back on the right track. I just need to get my head back into the daily walking/exercise mode.

FYI - tequila & club soda is half the calories of a bottle of craft beer.


Wednesday, August 5, 2020

August 5

Good news!
I got 10,000 steps yesterday.
Yeah, I know. It's a small thing, but it's been a little while.

It's already too late in the day to get in an early morning walk (like I did yesterday), but it's cool enough that an afternoon walk is a possibility. I'm looking forward to another good diet day and continuing in my journey towards better health.


Tuesday, August 4, 2020

August 4

I spent a little bit of time on the weight machine yesterday -- nothing structured and not for very long; just something to stimulate a few muscles. I plan on doing more of that.

Diet was better than most days. With the exception of the chocolate chip cookie bar that I ended the day with, pretty much everything else was a healthy choice. 
One day at a time.
Move a little more.
Eat a little less.

Be well,

Monday, August 3, 2020

August 3

It's Monday and the first weekday of August. I make the first weekday distinction as a way to excuse not getting any exercise over the first two days of the month. Of course, that implies that I'll get started today ... and, perhaps I will.

I hesitate to continue to post daily since every day's post is pretty much like the day before. Such consistency is good for steady weight loss, but not so good for interesting writing. While I do well in keeping my daily calories within the weight loss limit, there isn't anything structured or particularly healthy about it. In the past week I've had spicy Italian sausages, peach pie, ice cream, milkshakes, milk chocolate candy bars, cookies, and potato chips -- non of which would be on a real health nut's diet. Moderation is working for me.

But -- the end result has been a fairly steady weight loss. Today's weigh-in was at 230 pounds, so 220 by Sept 5 is a pretty realistic goal. 

Be well,

PS I've been thinking about adding variety to our diet by trying one new recipe each week. It can be a main course, side dish, or dessert. It can be for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. I will try to keep the new additions to the diet to reflect a more healthy type of eating. I'll let you know how that goes.

Sunday, August 2, 2020

August 2

I ate well, healthy foods (mostly). On days that I eat an earlier breakfast (like yesterday) I have to watch total intake more closely.

I managed a couple of short walks, nothing to brag about but at least it was something.
Maybe today...
Maybe not.

Be well,

Saturday, August 1, 2020

August 1

It's August!
July wasn't a great month on the journey towards better health. It wasn't really a bad month; more like a sit and pause kind of month. Overall I made a little progress, but I've definitely used the extra days I built into setting my next interim goal.
But that's okay. I'm on it, and I'm still at a point where a pretty normal weight loss rate will work.

Yesterday was a good diet day. I had good foods and in decent portions to feel satisfied throughout the day and was still able to enjoy a beer while BBQing and some peach cobbler and ice cream for dessert and come in below my daily calorie allotment.

When I consider what I am able to consume and still lose weight, it's easy to see how our typical American diets are way too large in size and way too full of poor quality calories. Our abundance of processed foods and the availability has led us to such poor eating habits. Changing the mindset surrounding food is quite the challenge for me.

It has been an unexpected perk of the current pandemic, but eating at home has helped in this journey toward better health. Preparing real food and in healthier portions has made the journey easier. I hope that we continue in this manner long after the effects of the pandemic pass and restaurant dining returns to normal.

I'm currently down almost 40 pounds from where I was at this time a year ago; -28 pounds from this past spring. I feel pretty good. After all, better health is the goal. Lower weight is just one of the indicators.

Be well, 

Friday, July 31, 2020

July 31

I ate a little later than planned yesterday, but still had a good day. I was well below my calorie limit. I did a midweek scale check this morning since five weeks from today is the next interim goal. I'm pretty much right on target. That's not going to allow for much room for cheat days unless I build them in with a couple of really good days. Steady and consistent seems to be the best plan and five weeks isn't too long to do that since I'm not that restrictive to begin with.

My current BMI is 31.2 (30 is considered obese). My September 5th goal of 220 pounds will put my BMI at 29.8 and I'll move from being obese to overweight.

I haven't been feeling the exercise/activity thing lately. Maybe I just need to start by doing something. My friend Ben says that movement is motivation (or something like that). Basically, just get started. I guess it's a kind of exercise inertia that keeps you going from there. He's done an Ironman, so I guess he might know something about exercise inertia.

Time to move.
Be well,

Thursday, July 30, 2020

July 30

Diet was on target.
Not a lot of activity.

I'm still working on some morning stretching. I need to see a chiropractor. I think my hips are out of alignment and it's been causing muscle spasms in my low back for a couple of weeks now. That's been a big part of the lower activity level.

I should probably just put the anti-gravity table together and take care of it myself. Maybe this weekend.

Going with a later and longer fast today with a shorter eating period. That will make for a pretty low calorie day.

Be well,

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

July 29

A good day.
I kept under the calorie limit and managed a little activity -- morning stretching, afternoon walk, 7500 steps.
Still can't get into a routine.
The struggle is real.

My regular breakfast (fruit additions vary)

Be well,

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

July 28

I started back on track with a meatless Monday and kept my calorie count on target for the day. One of the features of the app is that as you close the day's log, it gives you - ''If everyday were like today in 5 weeks you would weigh ..."
Yesterday it gave me 221.5. That would give me just 4 days to lose the 1.5 pounds to meet my next interim goal. I am definitely going to have to get active.

Yesterday was not an active day. 
Today needs to be.

Be well,

Monday, July 27, 2020

July 27

So it's been a couple of weeks.
I haven't been keeping up with my daily food log and I haven't been very active. Although, not logging food, I've still been aware of what and how much I'm eating.
Today's weigh-in was 232, so I'm still on target for 220 by Sept 5; I'm just not going to be able to give myself as much slack as I have over the past couple of weeks. 2 pounds per week is doable, but I'll be back to daily accountability to keep myself on target.

Be well,

Monday, July 13, 2020

July 13

It's been a few days. For the past couple of days I've been dealing with muscle spasms in my lower back. It appears that I'll get to deal with that again today. I'm typing this while standing up since standing up or lying down are the only comfortable positions I can find. 
Enough about that. Nobody wants to hear of someone else's discomfort. We all have our own life situations to deal with.

This morning's weigh-in ended up being the same as last week. I don't see that as a big deal. I did have a couple of not so disciplined diet days and have been relatively inactive. This week will be better.

I thought I'd share my morning muesli mix. 
5 cups of rolled oats
1 bag of mixed raw nuts
1 bag of dried mixed berries
8 tbsp chia seeds

If you are an Aldi shopper, you'll recognize the brands as Aldi brands.
A half cup of this is 199 calories with 29.2g of carbs, 7g of fat, and 5.5g of protein.
I typically eat it cold with milk and usually add some fresh fruit. I have used Greek yogurt instead of milk, and have added hot water for a hot cereal breakfast.
This was yesterday's bowl with strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries.

Be well,

Thursday, July 9, 2020

July 9

This morning's midweek scale check looked good. I managed a little light exercise this morning and a short walk.
I'll end the day at around 7000 steps.
I am well below the daily calorie goal so I had a small bowl of black cherry frozen yogurt.


Wednesday, July 8, 2020

July 8

Late plans to meet friends for lunch changed my morning work plans, so I didn't get much activity in today. I did spend a little time with a couple of exercises on the weight machine and walked the property perimeter. I'll end the day with around 4,000 steps.

I ate a large lunch, including appetizers -- pretty much my daily allotment. I have enough calories left for a light meal or decent snack. If I'm going to keep my eating to within eight hours (a typical IF day) I'll need to do that soon.

Back to yard work tomorrow and maybe a midweek morning weight check.

Be well,

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

July 7

I decided I'm going to post at the end of the day rather than in the morning. I like that my daily diary post is on the same day that I'm posting about, plus I think it will work better for my mornings.

I got my activity in early today with a little yard work. It was nice to get it in before it got very hot. It was humid enough without the higher temps. I'll end the day with around 5000 steps, but I'm okay with that today.
It may be the same tomorrow. Right now I am more concerned with activity over exercise, so that works. Besides, I have plenty of work on 5 acres of property to keep me active for many days!

Diet-wise I'll finish around 100 calories below my daily target. I had to watch the volume as I included some high fat, high calorie foods. (The unhealthy guy part of the blog title is a real thing.)

Be well, 

Monday, July 6, 2020

July 6; simple steps for the undisciplined

Monday morning weigh-in is 234 pounds. That's minus 24 pounds in the ten weeks since 4/22. 

I'm no dietitian and I'm obviously not a health expert. I had ice cream (twice) yesterday and regularly eat crap that no healthnut would touch. I am in terrible shape, have no regular exercise plan, and can't even force myself to walk daily most of the time.

So how does an undisciplined, unhealthy guy lose 24 pounds in ten weeks?
*I eat less. I pretty much eat what I want, but I eat less of it.
*I track my calories and know how many calories I need to stay below to lose two pounds per week. Although I don't restrict fats or carbs, I know when I'm consuming them and have a pretty good idea of how they'll make me feel. I also pay attention to when I'm eating.
*I utilize intermittent fasting (fast 16/eat 8) three or four days per week.
*And although it is irregular, I do try to manage some physical activity on most days.

That's pretty much it.

I understand how you might need some time to get your head into the idea of weight loss or fitness. I'm that way too. While your working on that, try doing just one thing to position yourself for success. Download a calorie counting app or a step tracking app. I use My Fitness Pal. There are many available. You won't even have to use it ... today. Just get familiar with it.

Simple steps for the undisciplined.

Be well,

Sunday, July 5, 2020

July 5

Last week was a really poor week as far as activity goes. Fortunately, I pretty much kept to my regular diet, even though I was much less disciplined about keeping my daily log. In keeping with my belief of "Eat for weight management. Exercise for good health," a scale check this morning showed me on track for a steady weekly loss.

Hopefully, the coming week will show an improvement on the daily activity.
It's the first full week of the 2nd half of 2020. Let's make it full of good, healthy choices.

Be well,

Saturday, July 4, 2020

July 4

I've been lazy about logging food this week. I need to get back to being more disciplined about that.
Low activity yesterday. Too hot and humid.
And mostly too lazy.

I'm going to be more focused on diet this weekend. 

Be well, 

Friday, July 3, 2020

July 3

I see that I missed posting yesterday. I had a good day Wednesday, not so great on Thursday.
Thursday I pretty much took the day off. I don't have any plans for the holiday weekend so I should be okay as far as the diet goes. 
A midweek weight check was good yesterday morning, so I'm back on track to make my next interim goal in a couple of months.

Have a grand weekend.
Be well, 


Wednesday, July 1, 2020

July 1

I ended June with a good day -- moderate activity, good diet.
I had just over 6000 steps, and moved a little rock to start filling a small water runoff gully in the field.

Diet-wise I was again below target.
For those that struggle with weight and dieting, I want you to know that I get that. I am not a well disciplined "dieter." I really need to get my head into dieting. What has helped me is a change in perspective.

We all have a diet. Your diet is simply what you eat and drink.
I am not on a diet. I am just purposefully managing my diet. Although I use a food log that includes calories, you can find a number of other ways to manage your diet.

I don't have anything that is forbidden. I'm not a low carb guy, but am aware of sugars, added sugars, and the effects that sugar has on the way I feel. I've done the keto thing in the past and lost a lot of weight, but it's not a sustainable way of eating for me. I would do better as a vegan or vegetarian than I would on a lifetime keto plan -- but I'm not doing that either.

By keeping a log, I am aware of what I'm consuming.
By paying attention to how I feel, I am more aware of the effects that different foods and drinks have on my body and can make future choices based on that information.
I know what intermittent fasting feels like.
I know what long term fasting feels like. (I've done 3,5, and 7 day fasts)
I know what overeating feels like.

What works for me, may not work for you, but if you're looking for a place to start it might help.
Feel free to comment or share what works for you. I'm no dietitian. I just know what works for me.
Read. Do a little research. Experiment with different methods. And use some common sense.

Be well,

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

June 30

Yesterday was a good day!
I managed over 13,000 steps and finished the day with a bonus bowl of ice cream and was still way under my calorie goal.

I don't know what my activity will look like today. I'm still not much of a follow a routine kind of guy. Since I have some morning errands (I'm in a Dr's waiting room now), I'll make this an intermittent fasting day. 

I think I'll start posting some of my food choices and maybe a few recipes. I don't follow any particular diet plan. Most of us have a pretty good idea of what is healthy and unhealthy. I try to include more of the good stuff and consume the not so good for you stuff (like ice cream) in moderation.

Be well,

Monday, June 29, 2020

June 29

After a week of relatively low activity but keeping watch on the diet, this morning's weigh-in was satisfactory -- 236 pounds. I know. That's where I was two weeks ago (I skipped last week), but I'm happy with it and still on track to make my next interim goal.

Today will be a more active day. I'll mow the yard portion of our 5 acre plot. It's about an acre and, although I could use the riding mower, I'll walk it using the push mower. Fortunately, it will be a bit cooler than it has been and I'll try to get that done early in the day.

Be well,

Sunday, June 28, 2020

June 28

Another typical day -- light on activity, okay on diet.
After skipping a week, I'm a little concerned about tomorrow's weekly weigh in. I'll be happy if I stay even and not regressed.
I'll try to have more to post in the future.

Be well,

Saturday, June 27, 2020

June 27

Good day.
More active. Got some outdoor work accomplished. Ate well.
Really hoping to be back on track by Monday morning's weigh in. I need a well disciplined weekend.

Be well,

Friday, June 26, 2020

June 26

Very good food day yesterday. I had planned on a meatless day but messed up and mindlessly heated up some leftovers for my dinner. Oops!
Still had a good calorie day.

Low activity, though. Need to be more active today. The shaded and peaceful deck is just so inviting!

Be well,

Thursday, June 25, 2020

June 25

Yesterday was -- meh.
A low activity day -- 5557 steps and not much else. And a not so great diet day.
I mostly ate good foods, just too much throughout the day (plus 3 beers adds a lot of meaningless calories).

Really need to regain control of the eating -- better choices and better portions.
Isn't that always the struggle?

Be well,

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

June 24

Good day on the calorie count.
Lazy day on activity.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

June 23

I'm back on track.
Yesterday was mostly spent doing yard work. The My Fitness Pal app says it's around 250 calories burned per hour of mowing on a riding mower. Normally I'd say that's way high, but after getting beat up over 4 acres of not so smooth terrain, I might agree.
I also loaded, moved, and unloaded a small trailer with rock. Fun times.

A good day on the diet, as well.

There's plenty more yard work to be done, but I'm feeling like an easy day is in order. I may just handle some of I lighter work today. Then again, once I get started I may do more than I plan on doing. We'll see.

Be well,

Monday, June 22, 2020

June 22

Back on track with a decent diet day.
Activity was okay. Fewer than 5000 steps (4887), but moved some gravel and rocks.
More of that activity today.

Be well, 

Sunday, June 21, 2020

June 21

I skipped logging and posting for a couple of days. I also should have skipped checking the scale for a few days. It is pretty amazing (and so unfair) that a couple of days of poor eating can undo a couple of weeks of progress in weightloss. To be kind to my ego, I'm going to skip the official weekly weigh-in tomorrow and give myself the week to recover.
At least I met my walking goals for the week.

Back to work.
Be well,


Thursday, June 18, 2020

June 18

Okay, I managed a walk after my day in the car and had 6,813 steps.
Diet was a bust. I didn't even track calories; I just kept eating. I have one word to say in my defense -- Mom.

She decided I needed a traditional birthday dinner from my past -- chicken adobo!
And birthday cake.

Oh well. That was yesterday.
Enjoy an occasional extravagance. 

Be well,

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

June 17

17,114 steps!
I haven't had that many steps in quite some time. I won't have that many today since I'll be in the car for about 7 hours. I need to get 5,000 in. A post ride walk will be in order.

I also had a decent diet day and easily finished well under the calorie target. Today will be more of a challenge as I'm meeting a friend and fellow blogger at Ted Drewe's Frozen Custard in St. Louis and have the long drive.
Just coffee and a morning drive for now. I'll probably wait for the midday Ted Drewe's to break fast.

Let's go!
Be well,

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

June 16

I managed a Meatless Monday. It wasn't difficult as I also had a modified intermittent fasting day. In a minor cheat I had a bit of 2% milk in the last of my morning coffee and an early afternoon iced coffee with cream. The rest of the day's 1300 calories (well below my daily target) were consumed between 3pm and 9pm and did include a single scoop of ice cream with a bit of chocolate syrup (diet coke float) and four pecan shortbread cookies with 2% milk.

I also managed 10,242 steps. 
In an effort to accommodate our schedules and maintain a modest level of activity, my sister and I have agreed to 3 days of 10K steps this week, and 3 days of at least 5K steps. Today will be a little cooler than it's been, so it might be good for the second 10K day.

Be well,

Monday, June 15, 2020

June 15

Day off.
Limited activity.
Started but didn't finish logging foods.
It's a new week.


Sunday, June 14, 2020

June 14

I think yesterday was the third time in eight weeks that I went over my daily calorie target. It wasn't by a lot and if I would have done even a small amount of exercise I would have been okay. My step count was low and I spent about 5 hours on the mower, mowing our field.
According to the My Fitness Pal app, 5 hours on a riding mower adds in a bunch of activity calories, but I didn't log them. It didn't really feel like that much work.

Back to work.
Slow and steady.
Change the lifestyle.
Change the body.
220 by 9/5.


Saturday, June 13, 2020

June 13

Yesterday was another active day of doing work without any time for "exercising." I recorded 8,168 steps and was plenty tired at the end of the day. I think I'm kind of taking the day off today.
Even as I type that I know that awareness about activity and diet are becoming a way of life and there won't really be a day off.
My June 13 weight is 238. That's -20lbs in just over eight weeks -- not record setting as weight loss goes, but quick weight loss was never the goal.

I was well below my calorie target for the day. One benefit of hard work and hot weather is a reduced appetite. This past week I've been intentionally snacking at night to get more calories (usually protein) for the day!

Just going to be on cruise control today. We'll see where it takes me.

Be well,

Friday, June 12, 2020

June 12

Yesterday was a work day! And it was a workday that included a few steps -- 11,197.
I went to bed early and slept late. Today will be a similar day as I finish some of the projects I started yesterday. I just want to say that I am really glad that I had a career that let me sit on my butt and use my brain rather than one that required manual labor.
In a way I feel that active fitness is better than working out regularly, but I realize that when days like yesterday are not the norm, planned exercise is also important. I'm still working on that part.

I had a meatless day yesterday (and it wasn't even Monday). It wasn't planned. It just turned out that way. Even after having milk and cookies for an afternoon snack, I was well below my daily calorie target. 
We have a few avocados that will reached use or lose status today, so I think Chris is planning on chicken salad with avocados for tonight.

Tomorrow is my 60th birthday and the first of my short term target dates. I reached the 240 lb. goal at Monday's weigh-in, but took a quick scale check to make sure I will still be at or below that weight tomorrow. It's been a good week and all is well.

Be well,

Thursday, June 11, 2020

June 11: Another challenge

I thought it was going to be a lazy day. My sister was taking a day off from exercising due to her work schedule, so I thought I would, too. I know -- I'm retired and had no excuse for a day off. I just figured I'd borrow hers. Then around 8:30pm I see this on my Facebook wall:

A quick check showed I was at fewer than 5,000 steps.
Now I felt like I needed to get at least that many steps. And if I was going to walk a mile, well ... why not walk two and get 10,000? 
I ended the day with 10,589.

I had a decent diet day, but still need to up the protein number. 

Today will be an low step active day. I've got some flower bed/planter boxes to build and a small fence/wall to hide the garbage dumpster. I think I'll be working on mowing the field today. I'll need to remember to suspend my step counter while on the mower.

It's going to be another beautiful day in the Ozarks -- a good day to be active.
Be well,


Wednesday, June 10, 2020

June 10

Yesterday's step goal was 7500 (per my sister) and achieved. I ended up with 8,237. She's apparently got this thing called "work" that takes up a bunch of time. Due to her schedule and my indifference, I don't have anything planned for today's activity. I'll figure it out as I go.

I had a good day on the diet side. In fact, it was good enough to splurge on a few cookies in the evening and still finish way under!

But that's all in the past.
Today is today. 
I'm feeling a little lazy today, so I might just make sure I have a good diet day and take it easy on the activity side. Or maybe I'll find some motivation to do more somewhere along the way.

Be well,

Monday, June 8, 2020

June 9: Mission Accomplished

It's actually a few minutes before midnight on the 8th as I write this day's report.
I just passed 12,000 steps so it was a good activity day. I'd like to be able to report a purposeful day of planned exercise, but that isn't what happened. What happened is I worked at clearing almost all of the stuff out of the garage. That meant a bunch of trips from the garage, around the house to the basement. I moved a couple of pieces of furniture as well as boxes, tubs, and pictures. 
By the time I was finished I not only had 10,000+ steps, we are now able to park both cars and the motorcycle in the garage!

On the diet front, I had planned a modified intermittent fast day. The initial plan was to eat between noon and 8pm. Noon turned into 4 o'clock before I stopped working and had a nice mixed berry, protein smoothie. We had dinner around 5:30 and I finished out the day with a blueberry protein smoothie around 8. 
Over-all I was below my starting calorie target for the day. Add in the exercise calories from 12,000 steps and I ended up with over 1000 calories still on the table (so to speak).

Little sister set tomorrow's (6/9) step count at 7,500. I think I'll walk my bicycle the mile to the gas station, air up the tires, and ride it home. That will cover almost a third of my steps and take care of getting air in the bike tires. I suppose I'll do the same with Chris's bike at some point.

Be well,

June 8: An Unexpected Challenge

It's Monday and that means it's weekly weigh in day.
This morning's scale was a solid 240, so I made my first interim goal a few days early.

I had a very weak step day yesterday (2,911), but did get a good 45 minutes on the exercise cycle. I am okay with that and actually starting to prefer it as a daily exercise time. I get more cardio benefit from cycling than from walking and also burn more calories.

But ...
Last night I received a text from my younger sister asking if I made my 10k steps and making a challenge that we both get our 10,000 steps for today.
Sacrebleu! I guess I'm in for 10k steps today.

Yesterday was a good day on the diet. I still need to up the protein intake so I might decide to make a protein shake a daily snack or meal replacement for a period of time. I have twelve weeks to lose my next 20 pounds. I know it's not a great challenge for the weight loss, but the weight is just a way to measure my progress. The real goal is to be more healthy, and that includes how (and what) I eat as well as getting to and maintaining a more healthy level of fitness.

Be well,

Sunday, June 7, 2020

June 7: Summer struggles

It's been hot.
Hot makes me feel lazy.
Yesterday I made myself get on the treadmill for 30 minutes in the morning and on the exercise cycle for 45 in the evening. I ended the day with only 7,948 steps, so I only made it to 10,000 one day last week. As a matter of fact, I've only made it to 10,000 steps one day in each of the last two weeks. I should probably re-evaluate that as a daily goal.
Funny how that coincides with a slow down in the rate of weight loss.

I am still a believer in eating for weight management and exercising for good health and fitness, but there is a correlation (especially in attitude) between the two. I know that if I'm more committed to the fitness part, I'll do a better job of sticking to a healthy diet.

Yesterday's diet was more on track with total calories, but I still need to watch the percentages of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. I specifically would like to reduce processed foods.

It's a new week. Be good to your body. It's the only one you get.
I remember something an overweight old man once said to me -- "If I would have known I was going to live this long, I'd have taken better care of myself."

Be well,

Saturday, June 6, 2020

June 6: One week to goal 1

Dang! It sure is easy to be lazy when it's 95f (35c) outside!
Only 3435 steps and ate up to the calorie goal.

I did spend a little time on the weight machine yesterday morning. It wasn't for very long and it wasn't strenuous; just moving muscles again. That was my day. 
Today will be just as hot, but I'm going to have to be more active.

Be well,

Friday, June 5, 2020

June 5: Eating like a fat man

I stepped on the scale today with a little apprehension. I have been pushing the limits on the calorie count this week. Yesterday night I was on the exercise cycle for 45 minutes at 9pm just to break even!
So I got my 45 minutes of cycle time in and made my calorie target, but the scale hasn't moved since Monday.
I made 5000 steps for the day. Until I hopped on the cycle, it was a pretty lazy day.
I need to do better.
You can't out-exercise a poor diet.

Be well,

Thursday, June 4, 2020

June 4

I really do suck at this exercise thing. Yesterday was a low activity, high calorie day -- not helpful.
I ended up with fewer than 6,000 steps and just made it under the daily calorie goal. In a way, I guess making the calorie goal is a good thing, but I have a pretty high number (perks of being a fat guy) and I've gotten used to being under by a couple hundred calories.

So much for yesterday. Today is a new day with a fresh set of calories and plenty of time for exercise.

Be well,

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

June 3

It seems that I've got the hang of keeping a pretty close watch on the calories. I probably need to pay more attention to the type of calories -- fats, proteins, carbs. I do some, but I need to do better.

I have mixed my own breakfast cereal. It's a mix of rolled oats, a bag of raw walnuts, cashews, and macadamia nuts, and a bag of dried berries. A half cup serving is 199 calories with 29.2g of carbs, 7g of fat, and 5.5g of protein. I generally add a little 2% milk and eat it cold, but I could add water and heat it in the microwave for a hot cereal. Yesterday I added some fresh strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries. It was a nice healthy way to begin the day.

Yesterday was okay. Only 8,343 on steps, but I did put in 30 minutes on the exercise cycle. My ass is kind of feeling it this morning. I like the cardio work that it provides over just walking and may find that I'm doing it more often. 
Today I'll hit the weight machine again. Eventually I'll work out my own circuit routine to use a couple of times per week.

I don't know where others struggle the most on their fitness journey. Although I can certainly get overindulgent where food is concerned, regular exercise is my real nemesis. It's much easier for me to get my head around controlling diet than it is to stick to a fitness program, but I'm working on it.

Be well,

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

June 2; Daily Diary

June is off to a good start. An early walk set me up to reach 10,000 steps for the day. It was only two miles, but it made a good start for the day. Throw in a little yard work and a later walk for the mail -- bam! 10,326 steps!
I did spend a little time (30 min) on the weight machine. I was mostly just reacquainting myself with different exercises and stimulating some muscle memory. I'll be keeping it lighter weights and higher reps for a little while. It's nice to have that option to add some diversity in my exercise plan.

Yesterday was the first Meatless Monday in a few years. I think it's a good thing. I don't think Chris is as sold on it. We typically do breakfasts and lunches separately, so those are easy. A shared dinner is a little trickier.
Yesterday I experimented with a portabella parmesan. I liked it. Chris wasn't a fan.

Overall, I had a good diet day, finishing under my daily target without the additional calories added for exercise.
Today's a new day and it's time to get to work.

Be well,

Monday, June 1, 2020

June 1st: The Journey Continues

I ended May with my worst diet and activity day of the month!
It was only the second time (in six weeks) that I've not met my daily calorie target, this time by a significant amount.
And in spite of spending 20 minutes on the exercise cycle, it was probably my lowest activity day with just 4,191 steps.

But May was a good month and I start June at 241 pounds, just shy of my June 13th goal of 240. I'm feeling pretty good about it.

I did get the weight machine properly set up yesterday. The few dumbbells I have are there, as well as the exercise cycle and treadmill. It's a pretty nice little home gym for an old, fat guy. I plan on spending a little bit of time there this summer. I'll work out a June exercise plan and include it here in the next few days.
I know I'm not in great shape and it's been a while since I've done anything other than walking, so I'll be taking it easy and trying to avoid any injuries. 

At some point, I should probably check my resting heart rate, blood pressure, blood sugars, and other numbers. I'll be 60 on June 13th and am due for a physical. 

Have a great June!
Be well,


Sunday, May 31, 2020

May Ends; June Begins

Because it's the end of the month and because I had a good midweek weight check, I stepped on the scale again this morning. If I hold weight with a good day today, I'll hit my Monday morning weigh in at my first interim goal two weeks early! I'm a little bit stoked!

Yesterday I got some work done around the house, but no walk. 7,361 on the step count. I really need to work on that for June.
Today I'll reroute the cables on the weight machine so they are correct and I'll be ready to start using it tomorrow. There is still plenty of yard work, gardening, and other active work to do, so I'm going to have to figure out activity priorities for days when doing it all seems too much.

It's going to be a beautiful day in the Ozarks.
Be well!


Saturday, May 30, 2020

It's Getting Easier

It was another day when I worked in the yard and flower beds without a lot of steps. Only 6,171 for the day, but I got some sun and spent the afternoon relaxing.

Diet wise it seems to be getting easier to stay within my daily calorie goals. Lately I've been checking to see how many cookies I can have for a late night snack! I suppose I could skip the cookies and lose weight more quickly, but I do love cookies and milk!
Grilled Italian sausages are on the menu for today. That's some high fat, high calorie stuff so I'll have to be careful with the snacking. Yesterday's baked salmon and fresh green beans was a much healthier dinner. I try to keep a balance -- not too much of the unhealthy choices, but still not depriving myself of some of the foods I like. So far it seems to be working.


Friday, May 29, 2020

Just Another Day

Nothing real notable about yesterday. I had a short walk that was cut even shorter as I stopped to safely chat with a couple of our new neighbors. I ended the day with 8,928 steps.
I did spend time doing work around the house and was active enough for a retired guy.

I did mix my own muesli type breakfast cereal yesterday morning -- oats, dried berries, nuts, and chia seeds. I mixed enough for a week or so, depending on how often I eat it.
I also had my highest calorie meal midday instead of evening. I think I like that better, but it isn't always best for our schedule.
I ended the day well on the calorie count and a midweek scale check looked good this morning. I just need to hold it through the weekend.

Be well,

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Late Report

It's already Wednesday evening and it is about to start raining. I've only logged 4100 steps so far and I'm sure not to make 10K today. Doing okay diet wise and with chef's salad on the menu for dinner, I should end well.

Yesterday's step count showed over 10,000 steps, but I knew that wasn't right. I need to remember to suspend my step counter when I'm on the riding lawnmower. Diet was a good day. I needed that to counter Monday's indulgences.

Be well,

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

I Took a Pass

Passing on yesterday.
I had just over 5000 steps and ate way too much.
I'm not sure how many calories way too much is.
I decided not to count.


Monday, May 25, 2020

Monday Morning

I did take yesterday off and did very little in the way of activity -- 5,309 steps and no work of any kind.
Logging foods has become a bit of a habit, so that continued. Yesterday was the first day in five weeks that I missed my daily calorie target -- I was half a cookie over!

My Monday morning weigh-in was good at 244 pounds. That's minus 14 pounds in five weeks. It's a good start. I'm still firmly in the obese range by weight or BMI (33.1) and need to reach 220 pounds to fall below a BMI of 30 which is still considered overweight but not obese. To reach a "normal" weight (BMI of 18 - 24.9) I'd have to reach 180 pounds.

Personally, I don't think that's a realistic goal for me and believe that I will feel happy and healthy at anything < 200 pounds. Figuring that the rate of weight loss will slow as I lose more weight, my initial intermediate goals were 240 by my birthday (2 1/2 more weeks), 220 by September 5, and 200 by 2021.
If I get there more quickly, that's cool, but I'm more interested in a sustainable lifestyle than in a quick weight loss.

Day by day.
Be well,


Sunday, May 24, 2020

Holiday Weekend

It is a holiday weekend here in the USA. That really doesn't mean anything since I'm a retired, anti-social curmudgeon anyway. But it does feel like I should be able to use it as an excuse to forgo diet and exercise for a few days.
I did a small amount of work around the house yesterday and managed a mere 5,767 steps.

I decided that I wasn't going to log my food, but added it all up in the evening to see if I could justify a small bowl of ice cream. With the ice cream I came in just under my daily target.

Today and tomorrow will probably be more of the same -- no real exercise, casually watch the diet.


Saturday, May 23, 2020

A Different Kind of Workout

Moving has been a slow steady process. Yesterday we rearranged furniture -- several times. Fortunately, we only moved the piano once! The sofa, love seat, oak end tables, coffee table and area rug -- well, we moved those several times trying to figure out the best place for them.
It wasn't a lot of steps (3,003), but it was plenty of work.

I need to watch my calorie consumption by time of day a bit. Yesterday was heavily weighted towards late in the day. I really didn't need so many calories late. I ended up with over half of my daily intake after 7pm. I was still well below my target, but need to spread them out to earlier in the day.

May is almost over and I don't feel like I've accomplished much on the health front. I've lost a few pounds, but still need to figure out an exercise or activity routine. I have a week to be thinking about June goals.

Be well,

Friday, May 22, 2020

Step Count Blunder

Unrelated to health and fitness -- my new lawn tractor arrived yesterday and I spent some time playing on it. I only mention it here because I know my step counter added around 4000 steps for the time I was on the mower. I'll have to remember to suspend my step count on mowing days.

Light activity working around the house yesterday. If I subtract 4000 steps from my total I'm at just over 8000 for the day. It looks like a rainy day today, so maybe I'll spend some time on the exercise cycle. It's actually supposed rain for the next several days.

I've been keeping on track in the diet department, but need to add more vegetables to the mix. I'm getting better at the whole moderation thing by keeping portions smaller, no seconds, just a couple of cookies vs. eating a whole sleeve, etc. This current method won't win any contests when it comes to dropping weight quickly, but I'm much more interested in finding a healthy and sustainable diet.

Be well,

Thursday, May 21, 2020

And ... Not so active fit

Yesterday wasn't a bad activity day, just not enough stepping. I only managed 8,159 steps, but I did get the flower bed ready for Chris. She planted about half of the flowers and will finish today. I'll spread the mulch and that'll be one outdoor project finished.
I will say that I'm feeling the effects of the past couple of days.

Another good day on the food intake prompted me to a midweek scale check and the needle appears to be moving again after an idle week.

Now for Thursday
Be well,


Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Active fit

Several years ago I asked a coworker if her husband worked out with her and if was in good shape, as well. She said he didn't exercise but was what she called active fit. Typically I am not active enough to stay any kind of fit without purposefully adding a walk or some other activity.
Not so yesterday.

We finished collecting the last of our stored goods for the move. That put me at 13,543 steps for the day! I also managed a little work in the flower bed before we got our stuff.

The day was too busy to be snacking so I ended the day with quite a few calories left in my daily allotment. I allowed myself a treat of pecan shortbread cookies and a glass of milk as a late night snack and was still well under for the day.

But that was yesterday and this is today. Living in the present doesn't allow much for yesterdays. Thinking about good food and good health for today.

Be well,

Tuesday, May 19, 2020


Monday turned out to be a good day for getting back on track. I started the day with a good breakfast and a two mile walk with Chris, then spent several hours digging up an area for a flower bed. I also spent some time rearranging storage stuff in the basement.

All in all I totaled 12,983 steps. That does put me over 20,000 for Sunday/Monday so I guess I'm on track for a 70,000 step week.
Ha! It's still early.

I also came in under my target calories for the day, but an unnecessary binge at the end of the day put me pretty close. I'm still calling it a good diet day.


Monday, May 18, 2020

Not surprised

After a couple of low activity days and a few days right at the target calorie count, it came as no real surprise that the scale needle didn't move from last week. I'm still at -10 lbs for the time since we moved (just under 4 weeks) so I'm still happy.

Friday night was a pretty high calorie dinner -- homemade nachos, complete with guacamole, sour cream, and plenty of cheese. Saturday I didn't even bother to log, and Sunday was just okay. I did manage 7000+ steps yesterday, but that was just from working around the house, no real exercise.

New week.
Back at it.


Saturday, May 16, 2020


I've been pretty close on the calorie count for the past couple of days and a little higher than I'd like to be on the fat calories. I don't step on the scale everyday between my Monday morning checks but did today.
No change.
Meh. Not going to make a big deal of it, just a mental note.

I walked about 3 miles last night and made my step goal, but not much else. 
Looks like another rainy day in the Ozarks.


Friday, May 15, 2020

Daily diary

It's been about three weeks since I began logging food again. I've been pretty good about keeping up with scanning, weighing, or trying to make a fair estimate for the log. I think I'd feel better about adding more protein to my diet, but I am generally well pleased by the effect of logging.
In spite of a high fat day yesterday, I had enough remaining calories to allow myself a treat of pecan shortbread cookies and a glass of milk last night.

Yesterday was a fairly active day as I did a little work towards getting a flower bed ready. I did need to add a late evening mile to make the 10,000 step goal, and ended the day with 10,530. It's raining this morning and forecast to be raining throughout the day. I might have to hit the cycle again.

Be well,

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Oops! Missed a day.

I meant to blog later in the day yesterday -- but didn't. It's okay. Tuesday kind of sucked on the fitness front anyway. 4,100 steps, no cycling and just a lazy day. I did meet my food targets.

Yesterday was much better. I used the indoor cycle again (30 min) and took a short walk with Chris. 
10,479 steps plus time on the cycle felt good. And I had another good food day.

We'll see how today goes. My left foot is bothering me this morning. I have a pain along the outer edge that bothers me just standing. I'm not certain of the cause, but have learned that the older John can no longer power through minor pains and injuries as a once much younger John did.

Be well,

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Something Different

Yesterday was a cold, dreary, and sometimes rainy day. There were certainly times when I  could have gotten out for a walk, but I really wasn't feeling it -- so I didn't. But I did manage to put the exercise cycle to good use by putting in an easy 30 minutes.
It wasn't much and I wasn't very fast (11-12 mph), but it was different and felt good. I could tell that I'm in need of something that's more of a cardio workout than just walking. I feel the 30 minutes on the cycle is well worth missing out on the 10,000 steps. My step count was only 4,153 but I may do more cardio exchanges for steps in the future. I'll need to build a little strength and endurance on the exercise bike before actually riding my bicycle. Even the long gradual slopes of the roads around here would be a challenge right now; the hills might kill me.

Diet came in under target again. I even managed a pretty high calorie, high fat, delicious BBQ pork rib dinner. Logging foods helps me be mindful of portion size. I'm sure I could have (and probably would have) finished off the slab if I wasn't paying attention to what and how much I'm eating.

Looks like another cold, rainy day. Maybe I'll be back on the exercise bike.

Be well,

Monday, May 11, 2020

On Track

I did manage to begin the week with a 10,000 step day. I took a short two mile walk early, but still found myself pacing in the basement at 10pm to add a thousand steps.
10,626 for the day.
I'm still hoping to add some variety to my activity. I just haven't got around to it yet.

It's a good thing I was careful with diet early in the day, because dessert indulgence added a ton of calories later. I still managed to come in under my daily target. My Monday morning weigh-in of 248 showed another 2 pound loss, which is my weekly target.

Be well,

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Time Off

I took the day off yesterday, only just over 4,000 steps.
Who am I kidding?
I pretty much took the whole week off!

In spite of only making 10,000 steps three days last week, I did manage to watch my food intake and ate well every day. I expect to be down a pound or two for tomorrow's weekly weigh-in.
It's a new week.

Here we go!
Be well,

Saturday, May 9, 2020


I did take a walk yesterday - two actually. One was about two miles and a later one about a mile.
Plus I added 1000 steps around 9:30 just to hit 10K and I need some added calorie burn to meet my daily goal.

It was a double win!
10,338 steps and under my caloric intake target.


Friday, May 8, 2020


Scheduling has always been a problem for me, at least when it comes to exercise.
Yesterday it was running errands, getting things for the house, hanging window shades and drapes. I'll be finishing up with a couple of drapes today. I know -- first world problems, right?
By the time I was ready to walk, it was raining ... so I didn't.

Just over 4,000 steps yesterday.

I will console myself by knowing that I came in under my daily calorie number, as I have done every day since I started logging foods again.

That was yesterday. This is today.

Be well,

Thursday, May 7, 2020

More Work with no Walk

Another day without a walk. But it was a day that included a lot of walking -- 11,022 steps.
And it was another good food day, I even included a late evening protein smoothie to up my protein intake for the day.

Today's a new day.
Let's see what it has in store for us!

Be well,

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Another Working Without Walking Day

I don't really mind a good working without walking day, but this was more of a busy kind of thing than actually working. And I'm sure that I could have added a mile walk to reach the 10K threshold, but didn't.
7,828 for the day. I've got some steps to make up to reach that 10,000 step average for the month.

I noticed something didn't feel quite right on the weight machine. Sure enough, a little internet research showed I threaded one of the cables incorrectly. I'll need to rework that to be able to use it correctly.

Another good day on the healthy eating side of the coin. Some days (like yesterday) I push the first meal of the day to around noon. That puts me at more of a two meals and a snack schedule and works well for me. I need to watch my protein intake. I'd like for it to be higher than it's been. I might have make protein smoothies a regular part of my day.

Be well,

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Work is Exercise, right?

There have been many times in my life that I have been grateful for a career that did not involve manual labor. Yesterday was another one of those days. Long before the day ended, my back and arms were tired. I took a short break from working to check the mail -- a quarter mile (400 m) walk or so, but ended the day with only 6072 steps.

So let's talk about weight loss
...and weight gain!

I was feeling pretty good about losing a few pounds and as I went to log the weight into the My Fitness Pal app I found this chart.

It goes back to when I first started using the app to log foods and track my weight loss -- June of 2013. I had just turned 53 and was 258 pounds, the heaviest I had ever been. I set the simple goal of losing 54 pounds before my 54th birthday. I actually lost 60 pounds and dipped below the 200 pound line.
But you can see that the five years that followed have been a steady upward climb (with several short lived attempts to regain control) to a point that surpassed my previous high.

So the goal is to get beyond a short term failed attempt of weight-loss and adopt a new healthier lifestyle and habits that will insure a long term healthy body and spirit. I'd like to be at 240 by my 60th birthday in June. That will be my lowest in over two years and a good start towards a healthier me.


Monday, May 4, 2020


It's been a little over a week (11 days) since I started using the My Fitness Pal app to start tracking my caloric intake again. Just by paying close attention to what I consume, I've lost 6 pounds (2.7 kg) in that time, 4 lbs (1.8 kg) since last Monday's weigh-in.
I don't expect that rate of weight loss to continue. I'd be pretty happy with a steady 1-2 pounds per week. The caloric count on the app is for losing 2 pound/week, the maximum you can set it for.
Today's number was 250.

On the daily step count, yesterday was 11,152.
Still no variety in the exercise. It might be a bit before I can get settled into an exercise routine. We're still trying to get settled into the new home and daily routine for everything else, too.

Be well,

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Stepping again

I ended the < 10K step streak at 3 days and am back on the plus 10K side. I didn't really go for a walk, but managed enough activity and some short walks up and down our street between moving the lawn sprinklers last evening.
11,757 for the day.
I have some projects to take care of in the coming week. Getting my daily steps may take some more effort than usual.

In spite of the frozen pizza we baked for lunch, I had a decent food day and came in well below my calorie target. I'm pretty sure that tomorrow morning's weigh-in will show I'm back in the losing column.

It's definitely a journey. I'm learning to be more mindful about what I'm eating (and drinking, too) and how that affects my diet, my calorie count (to a lesser degree), and my overall health and well-being.

Be well,

Saturday, May 2, 2020

A Slow Start

My steps yesterday were only 6,640. That makes three consecutive days of fewer than 10,000 steps.

I did get somethings accomplished that will help me in future health and exercise related activities and there is more to do. The weight machine is assembled and ready for use. I'll go easy at first as I re-acclimate myself to the machine and find out if my muscle memory is any better than my brain memory. I also think I'll use the stationary cycle to condition the legs before killing myself on a bicycle.

Diet is good. I'm staying below my daily allowance of calories for steady weight loss and eating mostly healthy foods. The social distancing has actually been good for me. I'm the guy that always buys the candy bar or snack that's at the register in the convenience store or grocery store. Fewer trips out = fewer sugary snacks.

The main thing is -- I feel good.
Today I'm a little stiff in the back and butt from bending and lifting yesterday, but overall I feel like I'm moving in the right direction. I hope to keep it that way.

Be well,

Friday, May 1, 2020

It's May!

So I ended April with 314,895 steps. There were 5 days that I fell short of 10,000 (including yesterday). All in all, not bad for a fat guy.

I know that I should have some May fitness goals already set by this time, but I don't.
I do plan on keeping active, but haven't set that up in my mind just yet. I started putting the weight machine together yesterday and plan on completing that task today. I really need to build back some upper body strength and endurance.

Diet wise -- I've been keeping track of my intake. Logging foods really keeps me mindful of what I'm consuming. Between paying attention to what I'm eating and staying physically active, I feel pretty good even though it's only been a week.
I've also been doing a modified intermittent fasting kind of thing. I generally don't eat anything before 10 or 11 in the morning and try to be finished eating by around 7pm. I haven't been really strict about it, but just the general idea keeps me aware of the clock and what I need (or don't need) at the time.

So ...
For now I'll keep up with the daily step goal of 10,000 per day and look to 325,000 for the month.
I'll get the weight machine together and figure out some sort of plan for that.
And I'll keep a watch on the diet.
That's the May plan.

How about you?
Any goals or simple steps towards better health?

Be well,

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Break Time!

Early yesterday morning I did a quick calculation and determined that I had already topped 300,000 steps for the month. When Chris got up, we decided that yesterday would be a day off from unpacking and getting settled in.
We spent the day doing nothing. I barely made 2000 steps and didn't even get out of my pajamas.
I also skipped logging food yesterday. It wasn't a bad diet day. I just didn't log anything.

Back at it today.

Be well,

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

The Unhealthy Guy Still Sets the Rules

Sometimes I laugh at the name of this blog -- Healthy Living (by an unhealthy guy).
I laugh because I realize just how true it is.

Here's an example of how unhealthy John tries to be more healthy:

Early yesterday afternoon I realized I was at around 6,000 steps.
The 4,000 steps I need is a little under two miles of walking.
The nearest convenience store is a mile away.
The plan? Walk to the store. Buy a six pack of beer. Walk home. Sit on the shaded deck with a cold beer, a good cigar, and feeling good about another 10,000 step day!

So walking to buy beer and sitting around smoking a cigar probably aren't the healthiest options for healthy living, but I got a bit of productive work accomplished in the morning, took a short walk in the afternoon, and enjoyed the quiet time on the deck.

12,276 for the day.

The unhealthy guy's diet included a few cookies and a couple of beers, but was well under the calorie count for slow but steady weight loss.

Life is good.
Be well,

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Busted -- again

So yesterday was another bust on the steps. I'm okay with it since we got plenty of things accomplished around the house. The grand total was a mere 6,382.
My knees needed a rest day. The hill stepping and stairs from Sunday took its toll on them. Carrying my fat butt is never an easy task.

I restarted using the MyFitnessPal app to keep track of my diet. Overall, yesterday was a good day. Tracking food keeps me mindful of what I'm eating and helps me to eat better as well as eat less.

It's a new day and time to get going.

Be well,

Monday, April 27, 2020

Moving in the Right Direction

With last week's move, I managed to stay pretty active. Yesterday's activity was moving related as I relocated many boxes, tubs, and other items from the garage to the basement. Walking around the house instead of using the stairs (it's a walkout basement) helped me to my 11,461 step total for the day. Thunderstorms are in the forecast for this afternoon, so I'll either have to walk early or figure on something else for today.

I stepped on the scale again today and was down a pound from last Wednesday. I'll probably go back to Monday morning weigh ins as my weekly check. Today's number was 254. It's high but at least it's moving in the right direction.

Be well,

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Time for a Change -- Almost

I missed 10,000 steps twice last week; the only two times I missed this month. I have just a few days left (5 including today) and hope to end the month by hitting each day's goal. Yesterday's step total was 10,585 and included a three+ mile walk.

I still need to get the weight machine put together and the basement set up for exercise. I'd like to add some variety to the daily exercise. I would still like to maintain the daily step count, but wouldn't mind some bicycle time or weight lifting as an alternative exercise during May.

My diet isn't too bad. I just need to have some healthier snack choices available.


Saturday, April 25, 2020

Hills and Stairs

After just a couple of walks around our new location, my butt is noticing the difference a few hills can make in a daily walk. A couple of miles here is a bit more work than the relatively level Greenway Trail that I've been walking for the past few months.
Also, there are a few more stairs in my day. Most of the time I seem to be carrying something either up or down as we get settled and move things to storage or bring things up from the basement.

All this to say that I'm feeling the 10,478 steps I took yesterday.
Have a great weekend!


Friday, April 24, 2020

Oops! Starting over -- again!

Even though I began the day with the idea that I might fall short of 10,000 steps, the truth is I could have easily managed it. I was a little lazy and indulged in an afternoon cigar while enjoying what turned out to be a beautiful, sunny afternoon. I took a short walk with Chris and had 8,662 steps for the day.
My weekly count is over 52,000 so I'm still averaging over 10,000/day if that counts for anything.

After five months in the little apartment without the weight scale -- it's back!

Weight is an odd issue. I don't want to be consumed with it, but I know that a healthier me would weigh a lot less. Right now I weigh about the same as I did a few months ago (actually, a few pounds less). I really think that we will be doing better on the daily diet in our new place.
With more to do, snacking is less of a distraction. The kitchen is nice and we both enjoy cooking. We are a little farther away from a grocery with fresh produce or a farmer's market. That will play a role in what we have on hand or how often we need to go to the store. We are both looking forward to cooking healthy dinners in our new home.

This morning's weigh in was 256 lbs (that's 116.1 kg if my international friends want to know how fat I am!). I know that I need to be back around 200 lbs (90.7 kg). I'm not going to obsess with losing the weight; I just want to be moving in that direction.

I'm a believer in --
Eat for weight management
Exercise for good health

So there it is. Eat well. Keep moving. That's the plan.
Simple, right?


Thursday, April 23, 2020

Another Rainy Day

I managed 10,593 steps yesterday. It was day that included finishing up with getting out of the apartment and unpacking things in the house. Although I figured it would be another day that I was short on steps, when I saw that I had 9200 at about 10pm I decided to pace the basement long enough to reach my daily goal (it was raining outside).

Today looks to be another rainy day so I may resign myself to setting up the exercise room. I might even manage to get on the treadmill for a bit.


Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Earth Day!

I hope to enjoy Mother Earth today with a nice walk. It is cool this morning and there is rain in the forecast. I can use a day of gentle rain to help this new lawn get started so no complaints from me.

I didn't get a walk in yesterday, but moving was enough to get me 13,670 steps.
The streak is at 2!

I hope you have a grand day.
Enjoy the Earth that God has given to us.
Take care of it.

Be well,

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Day 1 of a New Streak

Getting a little later start than usual today. I guess a couple of days of actually doing something wears an old man out. I did manage to get my steps in for the day. At some point I realized that about half my steps were weighted, meaning I was carrying something. That would have also been true for Sunday.
I did take a short 1 mile walk in the afternoon.

My 12,402 steps yesterday almost made up for the steps missed on Sunday.
In any case, it's the beginning of a new streak.


Monday, April 20, 2020

Starting Over

It was expected.
The streak of consecutive 10,000 step days ended yesterday with only 7,404 steps for my day's total.
March 31 through April 18, 19 consecutive days.

Today is a new day. It's another day of unpacking so a new streak may have to wait until tomorrow, but today will be another day of activity other than taking a long walk.

Be well,

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Still Stepping

Moving day was a strange day.
We hired Two Men and a Truck (actually four men and two trucks) to empty the storage units and bring our stuff to the new house. Although I was on my feet all day, I really didn't do that much work.
I did manage just over 10,000 steps and ended the day at 10,372.

Between unpacking, setting up the house, and some rain in the forecast, this week may be a bust.
I'm okay with that. I'll keep an eye on the count and activity level and do what I can to keep the numbers up, but there's always the next streak to look forward to if this one comes to an end.

So far I have a perfect month of April with enough extra steps that I can afford to miss a day (or two) and still reach 300,000 steps for the month.

Be well,

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Moving Day

I'm glad I got an early walk in yesterday morning. That got me close enough to 10K steps that it only took a short stroll last night to make the daily goal.
10,533 was my step count.

Today is anybody's guess. It's moving day, but most of the work will be done by hired movers. I don't know if I'll get in the steps supervising the move. I'm not going to worry about it much. I just may have to make a withdrawal from the step bank!

Have a great day.
Be well,

Friday, April 17, 2020

Weird Day

Yesterday's exercise turned out differently than I expected. I thought I was going to walk the area around our new house -- but I didn't. I did walk to where I'll need to put up a mailbox -- .26 miles (.42km) there and back to the house. The perimeter of our 5 acre lot is .46 miles (.74km). and has a couple of good dips and rises. Other than that, I didn't do any walking at the new (today) place and had to put in some time on the walking trail here at the apartment. I ended the day with 10,738 steps.

I'll try to get a walk in this morning before we close at noon. This afternoon we'll be prepping for the movers and moving some stuff on our own. Who knows what the next few days will bring. I'll have to find a new normal routine in the coming days.

Be well,

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Not a Great Food Day

Maybe it's just being restricted, but there is way too much snacking going on. Most days aren't too bad. Yesterday was worse. Time to focus more on what I'm eating.

Step-wise it was a good day -- 12,411.
It's a new day.

Be well,

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Looking ahead to next week...

I'm still stepping out.
I keep thinking that I'll skip a day. Maybe I'll keep getting out for as long as I'm confined to this tiny apartment. This weekend we will be moving. I imagine that Saturday will be an active day. I seriously doubt that I'll get my walk in, but I shouldn't have a problem with the step goal.

My step total for 4 - 14 was 11,572.

While walking daily is good for me and I feel pretty good, I'm still carrying way too much weight. I'm not too concerned about the actual number and haven't had a scale to check it for five months. That will change next week.

I still want my overall focus to be on feeling good, but I know that the science of feeling good at a more healthy weight beats the crap out of what I'm feeling now. I'll be able to add some variety to my activity and exercise. We'll have our bicycles, a stationary bike and treadmill for the nasty weather days, our weight machine, and some dumbbells. We'll also have plenty of space -- both inside and outside -- for exercise.
Plus there will be the activity of landscaping, gardening, and caring for the five acres of our home. It all begins next week!

For today, I'll be back out for another walk.

Be well,

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

What Happened to Spring?

Sunday night's temperature dipped below freezing. Yesterday's high was only in the mid 40s (around 7C). Last night it was back at freezing and it might make it up to 50 (10C) today.

I put off walking until 4:30 or so, but managed to get my 10,000 steps for the day. (10,209)
It's overcast and cold to start today and I have a few errands to take care of this morning. It will probably late afternoon/early evening before I walk again today.

Stay healthy, my friends.

Monday, April 13, 2020

4 - 12, 10,802

So with a light rain coming down, I thought I'd do something different yesterday. Although our apartment building is only four stories, I thought I'd do some stairs. The stairs are outside but covered and sheltered from a light rain.

I did 400+ steps up (I used the elevator for downs) and then decided that the rain was light enough for a walk around the building. I figured to stay close enough that if it got heavier it wouldn't be too bad. As it tapered off to nothing, I ventured farther away, first in larger circles, then on down the trail. I never started the app to track my distance, but using the step count I figure it pretty close to 4 miles.
The daily total was 10,802.

It's a new day out, sunny and cool. I've a few things to do this morning, but should get my walk in this afternoon.


Sunday, April 12, 2020

4 - 11, 10885

I spent most of yesterday sitting around and not feeling like going out for a walk. It was evening before I forced myself out the door to walk 4 miles. Even with that, I barely made my 10,000 steps. By the end of the day I had 10,885.
It ends up a good week with the streak still intact.
My diet sucked yesterday. Overdid the carbs in a big way. Today's a new day.

At some point, I know I'll take a day off and I'll do it guilt free.
Maybe today.


Saturday, April 11, 2020

4 - 10

A nice long walk (4 miles) and that was about it.
I took 10,496 steps.
Today is going to be a rainy day and I may give myself a pass. I have enough steps to average 10,000 per day for the week. I'll post my decision tomorrow.


Friday, April 10, 2020

Still going ... barely!

I managed to keep the 10,000 step streak alive yesterday, but it took some pacing the hallway in the apartment building at around 10pm.

I did get a short walk (2.5 miles) in before dinner and enough activity that I only needed to walk the length of the hallway a couple of times. I better be sure to get today's walk in. Tomorrow is supposed to be stormy.

One week to closing and then into the new house!

Be well,

Thursday, April 9, 2020

From 30C to 30F

Spring in the Ozarks!
If the thunderstorms and pollen aren't enough to mess with your senses, there are always a few extreme temperature changes to see who prematurely packed away their winter gear. It was 87F (30C) here yesterday. It will be a few degrees below freezing tonight.
The next few days will be cool enough that even a mid-afternoon walk won't be too hot.

I managed a nice walk early in the day and then a shorter one in the evening. My daily step total was on the plus side of 14,500. I already have more than 10,000 extra steps for the week so I can do absolutely nothing for a day and still carry a 10K average. I've no plans to do that, but if Saturday's storms turn into an all day rain -- I'm covered.

Be well,

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

The Struggle is Real

It was a beautiful day in the Ozarks of Southwest Missouri -- and I didn't feel like doing anything involving activity. In fact, I considered giving myself the day off. I spent a good chunk of the afternoon sitting outside, reading a book, and enjoying a good cigar.

From the morning trip to the grocery store, an evening trip to check on our new home, and just normal activity, by evening I had enough steps in that I knew a 2.5 mile walk would put me at 10K steps for the day. Even though the sun had already set and the full moon was well above the horizon, I got my steps in -- 10,533 for April 7 and my eighth day in a row of topping 10,000 steps.

I should get today's walk in early as it's supposed to be mid to upper 80s this afternoon (30c)!
Don't pack away the sweatshirts and jackets yet. It's still spring in the Ozarks. Tomorrow (Thursday) night is forecast to dip below the freezing point!

Don't let "stay at home" keep you from getting a little exercise. One of my friends says movement is medicine.

Be well,

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Stepping Out!

Yesterday was a beautiful day!
The sky was a high overcast layer that blocked out the sun, but it was warm and a great day to be outside for a long walk. Today will be even better as the clouds should be gone and the thermometer makes its way to 80.

It turns out that I didn't start my day with yoga. I'm not sure why it happened that way, but it did. Today I have to go grocery shopping with the old people.

Day 6 step count was 11,373.

The phone app I use to track steps and activity shows a significant decrease in average steps (for men using the app) and minutes of activity over the past several weeks. Three weeks ago the average was 4500 steps per day. Two weeks ago it had dropped to 3700. Last week it was just over 3000.
I guess the shelter in place orders and the working from home are also taking their toll on physical activity.

Be well,

Monday, April 6, 2020

Day 5

4/5 was another good day as far as stepping and walking went. I took a 2.5 mile walk with Chris in the early afternoon and then a 2.2 mile solo walk a little later. I ended the day with 14,376 steps.
Again -- no yoga, but I think I'll start the day with a session today.


Sunday, April 5, 2020

Day 4

Another day of no yoga, but I did manage to get my steps in -- 10,396.

I need to write about diet, as well. So far it seems that I may be doing comparatively well under the current conditions. Like most people, we are eating out less. That usually translates to eating less as restaurant portions are generally quite large.
I'll make diet a part of future posts.

Be well,

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Day 3 gets a C

C -- as in an average letter grade.

I took a nice walk. I'm starting to get my pace back up to what it was when I wasn't so damned fat. I'm not real concerned about walking faster, but it does allow me to walk farther in the same amount of time.
Yesterday I managed 10,830 steps but skipped Day 3 of my yoga. Maybe I'll do two yoga sessions today and skip the walk. Or maybe I'll just let it go and call it the past.

Have a great day and be well,

Friday, April 3, 2020

Day 2: a small victory

We live in a time when every small plus is a victory of sorts. Perhaps, that's an attitude that I can carry forward beyond this current crisis. My small win was just in successfully completing day 2.
I had to add a short evening walk to top 10,000 steps, but I did it. I didn't move much after that (the apartment is only 500 sq ft) and finished the day at a mere 10,186 steps.

I managed my yoga session around midday, right after my 3+ mile walk. One wouldn't think you could be too out of shape for beginning yoga, but... this old fatboy needs some help! Hopefully, by the end of the month I'll be doing much better.

Here's an article on the online yogi I've been following.
I've been following Adriene for a few years and have used different 30 day series as daily practice in the past. Sometimes I imagine myself able to accomplish complex poses and balances, but then I remember that I can't even gracefully step from a plank to a forward lunge!
Ha! I can't even gracefully get up from or down to the mat! Maybe I'll be able to manage that in 30 days!

A couple of rainy days in the forecast will make stepping a challenge. We'll see what happens.

Be well,

Thursday, April 2, 2020

No Fooling

So April is off to a good start.
I took a nice 3.17 mile walk early and did Day 1 of a 30 day plan of Yoga with Adriene (YWA).
I finished the day with a mile walk in the evening.
11,515 steps plus the yoga.

I have to say that I really suck at yoga. Even this simple beginner session caused some struggle.
First, it has been a long time.
Second, dang my arms are weak, as well as my overall upper body strength.
And my core strength and flexibility are also in need of some serious work.

Today is Day 2.
I'm going to try this daily logging thing again.
Wish me luck!


Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Healthy Habits

So in the past couple of weeks since I stopped posting my daily steps I've pretty much sucked at staying active. I guess I need the personal accountability of posting to a blog that nobody reads.

Well it is a new month -- a new quarter, in fact -- and another opportunity for a fresh start.
My daughter-in-law has me starting a 30 day yoga series. It's way more reasonable than starting that P90X crap that she convinced me to do a couple of years ago. Chris says that she'll do the yoga with me, although neither on of us seems too enthusiastic about it. Any exercise will be easier once we get moved out of our apartment and into our new home mid-month.

It's April 1st.
It's Day 1.
I'll let you know how it goes.

Be well,

Sunday, March 15, 2020

March 14

I'm actually posting early on the 15th.
Yesterday's step count was 7613. Even though it was below the 10,000 step daily target, I'm okay with it. It was a cool, rainy day and I had some stuff planned. I knew going into the day that I'd have more than enough steps to reach the weekly total of 70,000 steps. My app hasn't updated yet with the weekly summary, but I know I've got it covered.

I think that I'll keep posting daily step counts to this blog for my personal motivation and accountability, but stop sharing the post to my Facebook page. Maybe I'll just post the weekly summary to Facebook.


Friday, March 6, 2020

Thursday, March 5, 2020

March 5

So it's 9:30pm and I'm about 200 steps short of a half-day -- 5000 steps.
That's okay. I decided early in the day to give myself a pass today. I knew how the day might be and just decided I wasn't going to stress over it.
Back at it tomorrow.


Wednesday, March 4, 2020

March 4

Yesterday and today were pretty leisurely 3 mile walks. Maybe I'll pick up the pace again tomorrow. Mostly just working on getting the steps in.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

March 3: Call it a streak


It's early, but the apartment is small and I'm in for the night so it won't go up much.


Monday, March 2, 2020

Sunday, March 1, 2020

March 1

Let's see how this goes.

One day.
