Monday, June 5, 2023

June 5

It's been five weeks since beginning this latest round of I can't keep living life as a fat old guy.
I don't have a scale to check my weight this morning (and won't have for the next four weeks), but I was at 252 pounds before leaving yesterday. That's -18 pounds for the first five weeks.

I'll be going the next four weeks sans scale, but hope to keep to a good diet and stay active enough to continue the weight loss. 
Activity might be a bit of a problem this week as the travel day seemed to really take a toll on my Achilles tendon issue. I iced it well last night, but will be taking it easy for the next few days in hopes of some recovery. I am pretty sure that the problem is coming from some heel spurs that cause inflammation when I walk too much or even sit in a way that aggravates the tendon.

I'll take a short walk to the store to pick up a few things for the week and maybe spend most of the day reading by the pool. I might grab a cigar while I'm out and enjoy that while reading. Mostly, today will be like any other day in the life of retired John -- sit outside, relax, enjoy, be thankful.


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