Monday, April 12, 2021

Weekend update

I did nothing.
It's Monday.
Better get busy.


Saturday, April 10, 2021

Friday fail

A little pacing just before midnight put me over the 10,000 step mark for the day, but that was the only minor fitness success of the day. I did put in about six hours of yard work -- hauling a dozen more bags of soil and compost, finishing a couple of flower beds, picking up four bags of gravel, and planting a few bulbs and plants in the rocky soil of Southwest MO.
More of the same after this day's morning rain, but I should get some time in on the weight machine.

Be will,

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Thursday, April 8

Yeah, I'm actually writing on Thursday evening instead of Friday morning.
I'm going to change up what I've been doing so far in April. While walking is a good, easy daily exercise, it has its downsides. One of them is that it takes so long to get in a meaningful walk. I think I'll plan to keep walking as a part of a weekly routine (or maybe even a shorter daily walk), but I'm going to nix the 100 miles for this month. 
I'll keep the 100 reps of something daily and make that an additional part of something else. I'd like to get back to daily Tai Chi. This week I've been pretty active with working on flowerbeds and landscaping. There will be plenty of that this spring and summer. I do realize there is a significant difference between activity and exercise. While I do see the exercise as more focused and important, just being active is more suited to what I am looking for.
Today's activity was getting another 15 bags of mulch and mulching two flower beds. It's not much, but the other flowerbed that needs work is on the windy side of the house and will have to wait for a less windy day.
My 100 rep exercise was donkey kicks. Not much to that. I'll start on doing more tomorrow (Friday).
It's 8:30 and I'm only at 6400 steps, so it doesn't look like I'll be making it to 10,000.

Be well,

Wednesday, April 7, 2021


Four mile walk. 15,000+ steps.
100 reps, 100# bench press on the weight machine.
I know it's not much, but looking to get back to activity without injury so I figured to use a weight I was sure I could do. Taking into consideration how the other 100 rep exercises have gone, I'll still be a little stiff tomorrow. 
I did some more digging and moving dirt for another flower bed yesterday. I'd much rather be getting my activity by working around the yard, but having the practice of at least one focused exercise is good, too.

Today has a 50% chance of rain pretty much throughout the day. I don't know what that means as far as walking goes. I'll have to play it by ear. I have a midday meeting, so maybe it will clear up by mid-afternoon. Yard work will have to wait for another day.

Be well,

Tuesday, April 6, 2021


Okay, so Monday was kind of a bust as far as the 100s go.
It was a busy day and full of activity, and I didn't go for a walk other than to get the mail (1/4 mile). I did manage 10,000+ steps while working in the yard, but no "walking" miles.

Neither did I do 100 reps of anything.
My exercise came in the form of getting soil, compost, and mulch for our flower beds and garden,
Sixteen 40 pound bags of soil and compost, and five bags of mulch -- pallet to cart, cart to car, car to wheelbarrow, and wheelbarrow to flower beds or stacked until I used them today.

I transplanted two perennial plant from where they were last year to where they will get more sun. Then I turned the dirt to plant 18 hostas in an area that will get about 3 hours of direct sunlight per day, and planted and mulched them. I also planted and mulched seven more hostas in a bed I had prepared on Saturday. They should fill in nicely.

I've got plenty more work like that for today, so I think I'll get my walk in early. I'm going to have to add some distance to make up for the missed day. I plan on using the weight machine bench press for today's 100 reps, although I'm not sure of the weight yet. I'll figure it out when I get to it.

Be well, 


Monday, April 5, 2021


I did take a 3.5 mile walk yesterday. My pace was a more normal, easy pace, but I got the steps in (11,480 total for the day). I guess I walk at a slower pace listening to the Cardinals losing that I do listening to classic rock music.
I skipped the 100 reps yesterday. It was more a matter of having the kids over for Easter dinner than anything. I certainly could have worked it in, but didn't. I may work on 100 reps of two exercises today or I may just move on.

I expect most of my activity today will be working in the yard. 
This morning I'll be getting some topsoil, manure/soil mix, and mulch for flower beds and garden boxes.
Oh boy!

Back to classic rock on the walk today!


Sunday, April 4, 2021

April 3rd

I upped the walking distance by a mile to 4 miles. That puts me at 10 miles in three days and on pace to make my 100 miles for the month. I should probably work and building a cushion since there are sure to be rainy days in April. Between church this morning, dinner this evening, and planting some hostas this afternoon, today will probably not be the day I start on building that cushion.
Yesterday was a 14,000+ step day.

Since I did a bit of yard work after walking, I gave myself an easy 100 rep day and did lightweight dumbbell curls. 
Diet for the past couple of days has been decent -- today will probably be a different story. We'll see.

Be well,


Saturday, April 3, 2021

Only 94 Miles to Go!

I'm thinking that maybe I bit off more than I can chew.

The 100 mile goal for walking is doable, but is going to take more effort than I was thinking. I really have to get my mind back into the habit of a good daily walk. I've really been stepping out these first two days but will give myself permission to ease up when I feel like it. The bad thing about slower/farther is it takes more time. Of course, time isn't really that big of an issue on most days.

The 100 reps of something -- I'm going to have to be more careful in my choices. 
On day 1 I chose squats. The squats themselves weren't too bad, but my quads and ass were feeling it late yesterday and this morning.
Day 2 was sit-ups. Oof! That was way harder than I expected. Even with spacing out set through the afternoon and evening it was still difficult. I am not looking forward to the sore abs later today.

I'm going to have to remember that I'm an overweight, out of shape, 60 year old when I make my daily rep exercise choices. Can I use 100 minutes of meditation and call it mental exercise?
I will probably use the weight machine for a few things. I know I'm not ready for a 100 pushup day, so I think I'll pick a decent weight for a chest press and work towards the 100 pushups. I'll probably do the same for pulldowns, rows, and maybe an upright shoulder press. I might as well make use of this equipment that we have.

Oh! The daily walks have pushed my step totals back up over the 10,000 step count, so that's a bonus.

Day 3 is here!


Friday, April 2, 2021

April -- 100s

I don't know if this is a good idea or not, but it's an idea from my brother.
100 miles -- he's running them; I'm walking.
100 reps of something every day - squats, pushups, mountain climbers, lunges, etc.

Yesterday I did a brisk 3 mile walk (going to have to up the distance), and 100 free squats.
It was a spur of the moment decision and I don't know about today. Maybe 100 crunches or sit-ups? Idk.
I'm thinking another 3 mile day today, but will have to plan for longer walks to make the 100 total miles. In the back of my mind is adding a little running, but I also know that it will probably stay in the back of my mind (which is where it belongs). 

It's day 2.

Be well,