Tuesday, September 15, 2020


 Spell check doesn't recognize backslidden as a word, but any evangelical will know it to mean a return to one's old ways and sinful past.

As this is only my second post here in a month, it isn't difficult to come to the conclusion that I haven't been doing well on the healthy living thing. Some dietary indulgences and physical laziness have contributed some added pounds over the past few weeks. Yesterday's Monday morning weigh in (the first in a few weeks) was at 234 - not good.

But with a plan to begin some regular exercise (not just physical activity) and a renewed attitude for the healthy living lifestyle, I'm sure that I'll be back on track in no time.

Although I didn't log food yesterday, I'm confident that it was a decent total calorie day. I (we, since Chris joined me) started the day with a 30 minute exercise session. We plan to make morning exercise a regular part of our day. Then I spent several hours moving dirt and doing yard work. I ended the day pacing the house while brushing my teeth to get my 10,000 steps in for the day.

I have some things to do this morning, but I'll be back to moving more dirt and working on another section of the yard. I have to admit that I'm a little sore from yesterday's activity.

Time to move!


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