Saturday, April 3, 2021

Only 94 Miles to Go!

I'm thinking that maybe I bit off more than I can chew.

The 100 mile goal for walking is doable, but is going to take more effort than I was thinking. I really have to get my mind back into the habit of a good daily walk. I've really been stepping out these first two days but will give myself permission to ease up when I feel like it. The bad thing about slower/farther is it takes more time. Of course, time isn't really that big of an issue on most days.

The 100 reps of something -- I'm going to have to be more careful in my choices. 
On day 1 I chose squats. The squats themselves weren't too bad, but my quads and ass were feeling it late yesterday and this morning.
Day 2 was sit-ups. Oof! That was way harder than I expected. Even with spacing out set through the afternoon and evening it was still difficult. I am not looking forward to the sore abs later today.

I'm going to have to remember that I'm an overweight, out of shape, 60 year old when I make my daily rep exercise choices. Can I use 100 minutes of meditation and call it mental exercise?
I will probably use the weight machine for a few things. I know I'm not ready for a 100 pushup day, so I think I'll pick a decent weight for a chest press and work towards the 100 pushups. I'll probably do the same for pulldowns, rows, and maybe an upright shoulder press. I might as well make use of this equipment that we have.

Oh! The daily walks have pushed my step totals back up over the 10,000 step count, so that's a bonus.

Day 3 is here!


1 comment:

  1. PUSHUPS - Do sets of 20 every two hours in 5 sessions. Do them from your knees or do them on stairs. Eventually you will be strong enough to start mixing in "real" pushups. Progress is progress.
