Thursday, November 13, 2014

Move Along...

I'm still getting my exercise habits established and figuring out what is going to work for me.
I think that what is going to be best (at least for the time being) is to go back to what I was faithfully doing and then add additional weight, yoga or other exercise in on a regular basis.

I like the weight machine for circuit training and strength training, but until I can really establish a good routine, I'm missing too many days and not really making it up with something else. If I go back to the daily walking or riding routine, I think I'll feel better about adding days with the weight machine (even if they are irregularly spaced) than if I schedule them and miss doing anything. I really am hopeful that retiring in January will help greatly when it comes to having a regular schedule for everything from sleeping at night to working out during the day.

Diet continues to be about the same. I know that I need to pay close attention during the coming holidays. All of those holiday baked goods and the seasonal egg nog...I think I could gain weight just thinking about them!

I just need to stay with it.


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