Monday, August 5, 2019

Keeping it real

So I've missed a couple of weeks with updates and it's not quite to Thursday for a week 8 update, but here is where I am.

I've been doing a pretty crappy job of working towards the -60 by 60 goal. I have been eating a little better but still tend to overindulge in sweets. I haven't done anything in the way of regular exercise.

Being around some of the healthy people in my family this past weekend has inspired me (and shamed me) into doing better.
This morning I took my first long walk in quite some time. I walked 3.1 miles (5K) in 56 minutes, 46 seconds. I was at 55:06 at the 3 mile mark. I'm going to use this as my baseline and set a couple of goals. The first is 3 miles in 45 minutes. Realistically, that means I'm going to have to start mixing in some running with the walking. Then I'll increase the running part until I'm at 3 miles in 30 minutes.

I know I should put a time frame for each step, but I really have no idea how well I'll respond to the activity. Past experience tells me to go slowly or risk some knee/ankle pain. My plan to start is 5 days/week and just look at getting a little better each time out. I should be able to reach the first goal by September without trouble. I should have a better idea of timelines for the rest of it by then.

John <><

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