Tuesday, November 10, 2015


We are one third of the way into November and I have been doing well when in comes to daily walking. It's not been anything to get excited about, but I'm back to walking every day and have made my 10,000 steps every day -- so far.

I do have a couple of all day travel days still to come this month but am hoping to manage a decent walk on those days as well.

I've been getting a little extra work in the way of squats, push ups and some light yoga, but again -- nothing to get excited about. At this point, I am comfortable calling my daily walk (usually about 3 miles) my regular exercise and anything else is something extra.

Perhaps I'll add to my regular exercise and include some yoga a few times per week. Then I'll consider walking and yoga to be my regular exercise and the body weight stuff to be extra.
I did manage a little running last week; maybe I'll do that on a more regular basis. Then again, maybe not.

In any case, my health is good. My weight is up a little, but not so much that I'm overly concerned. I would like to trim it back down before our January beach vacation, so I will be keeping an eye on it during the upcoming holidays.

Be healthy.
Be active.
Be well!

John <><

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