Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Healthy Living ... or not!

It has been a little while since posting here at Healthy Living (by an unhealthy guy).
The primary reason is that I haven't really been living much of a healthy lifestyle.

In the year leading up to my 54th birthday, I set a goal to get healthy and lose 54 pounds in my 54th year. I actually lost 61 pounds. I was keeping track of what I ate and walking every day; usually 3-4 miles, sometimes 6 or more. I kept up with the walking for more than a year, but really slacked off on monitoring my food intake. I made too many exceptions, made too many poor food choices and didn't really keep track of portion sizes nor did I keep track of the amount of food I was consuming.

The end result is that I slowly managed to put on about half of the weight I had lost. Even when I went back to walking, the weight still managed to go up. I guess the saying that you can't out-exercise your fork is true (but I already knew that)!

So I am back to logging my caloric intake.
I will be back to less than 200 pounds in no time.
Okay, it will take a little time. I'm not going to go overboard in getting back there. I'm going to eat sensibly, monitor the what and how much like I did before and let nature do its thing.

This has been a good week.
Like before -- I'm not going to make any "can't have" food items. I am just going to make sure that I keep control of what, when and how much. I'll even give myself the occasional "free day" but that doesn't mean that I won't log foods or be mindful of what gains I am giving up that day. I still need to remember that I am in control. Although I love the many tastes and textures of foods, I need to manage to eat to live and not live to eat.

Even though the unhealthy guy is still here, he is going back to healthy living!

John <><

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