Monday, June 27, 2016

Monday morning reflections

It's the last Monday morning of June and I have to admit that I've had some pretty humbling revelations during the month of June.

A family wedding and several kids' camps have netted a few photographs of yours truly and they weren't pretty pictures!
While I have certainly been aware that I have put back about half of the weight I lost a couple of years ago, seeing it from the perspective of others -- wow! I probably need to print a couple of those pics and keep them posted where they will remind me of just how unhealthy I look.

And I definitely need to be more vigilant about my diet.

Even though I have not been too active (walking, yoga, etc.) lately, I still believe in eat for weight management and exercise for fitness as a way of taking care of one's self. I need to get back to doing both!

I find that logging foods during the day is the best way to keep track of the calories and types of foods I eat. I also find it to be a pain in the butt -- clearly a figurative lesson in "no pain, no gain."
I think that the inactivity of my retirement has also led to more enjoyment of food as a means of entertainment and a means of satisfying pleasure cravings and viewing food less as a means of fueling my body. The consequences of those perceptions are pretty evident in the pictures and on the scale.

So --
Not gonna wait until July or after the holiday weekend. I see no point in wasting the few remaining days of June and the beginning of July. Today I am back to faithfully logging food intake and eating for a healthy lifestyle. Like before, I'm just not going to go crazy with the fitness/exercise stuff. That's just not me and doesn't work well when I try to force it. Walking, cycling on the stationary bike, and a little yoga is about all I plan to engage in and probably not on an everyday basis.

I think that another thing that may help me in my weight management is to keep posting my progress. I know that not many people read this blog, but writing my progress (or lack of it) will keep me aware of it and hopefully, on track.

Here goes!

Be well,

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