Thursday, June 27, 2019

Year 60, week 2

So the end to week two comes around and the scale says I dropped another pound. That makes -3 of 60 -- a little off pace but still moving in the right direction.

I know it's not much and I haven't done much in the way of exercise, although I've had some pretty active days. I've also not been real strict on diet. I am eating more healthy foods (for the most part) and keeping to moderate portions (again, for the most part). We have discovered the orange cream shakes at a nearby Arby's and that has been an occasional indulgence. As one might expect, I am a little more conscientious on the few days before weigh-in day!

It's a new week -- Week 3!
I'm looking for -2 (minimum) to give me -5 for a three week total.
Should be the proverbial piece of cake!



  1. Hi John, have you looked into the Keto diet? I know 4 people who are on it and they've all had very good success with it.

    1. Yes, I am pretty familiar with it and lost weight using the Atkins variations years ago. I am looking for a sustainable lifestyle and believe that I am most likely to continue with healthy foods in healthy portions and some moderate activity.
      I'm not too concerned about a quick weight drop as I know my method will be more of a slow and steady approach.
