Monday, August 2, 2021

August 2

As in most self-destructive behaviors, admitting you have a problem with poor diet is the first step to correcting it. Although I do include my share of junk foods, my main issue is with overeating. I'm not talking about stuffing myself on a daily basis, just eating more than I need to eat. Over time, I've stored up enough calories to feed a small family for a week!

I had a serving of potatoes yesterday, and a serving (27 pieces) of Cheez-it crackers. Other carbs were primarily from fresh fruits and vegetables. The Cheez-its were the only processed food.
Along with watching the how much part of what I'm eating, I'm really going to watch the processed foods. If it comes in a box or bag, chances are I'm going to pass. I know there will be exceptions to that, but it's a guide that I'll be using frequently.

This morning's breakfast will be a cup of frozen peaches, a cup of milk, and two scoops of whey protein powder blended into a nice protein shake. I'll add some cinnamon and maybe some chia seeds. Yeah, I know--the protein is processed, but it's an exception I'm willing to make. I don't know what the rest of the day holds. I'll play it as it comes along.

Over the past decades, I've done this often enough to know how my body reacts to eating or not eating certain foods. The real key for me is to overcome the pleasure of eating good tasting foods and just eating what I need to function well. It's the old--eat to live, not live to eat--battle. And it's a daily struggle--for sure!

I haven't figured out the exercise part yet. For today it will be more about activity rather than exercise. I'll get that part figured out. For now, I'm going to start with the diet.


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