Wednesday, September 1, 2021

September 1; Success!

I made it!
250 pounds (maybe a shade under) (113.4 kg).
I have to admit that I was a little more extreme than my normal habit for the past two days. Yesterday I ate a single serving of pork fried rice for dinner and that was my only food intake for the day. Monday was similar with a fruit and cereal breakfast and a decent plate of pork chop, salad, and veggies for dinner.
Both days were fairly active days.

So I'm back to where I was two months ago...and I feel pretty good about it!
Maybe that August 1st weight bump was the jolt I needed to get serious about paying attention to my diet. Putting on 12 lbs. (5.4 kg) in a single month is a bit of a shock. 
Why is taking it off in a single month so much harder?

I don't really expect to keep dropping weight at the same rate as I did in August. I feel that 2 lbs. per week is a healthy rate of loss and can develop sustainable habits for when I reach a healthy weight. Experience tells me that it may be slightly higher early and and slightly harder later. I'm shooting for -10 lbs. (4.5 kg) for the month of September. 

We started morning walks last month, but weren't too regular during the hotter days. We'll try to do better during September. Also, I may add more intermittent fasting days into the month, maybe once per week with the one meal and maybe a snack at some point.

So far, so good.
Here I go for month 2!


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