Monday, September 22, 2014

Falling off the to speak

It's been nearly two weeks since my foot surgery (hammer toe correction) and I'm finding out how easy it is to slip out of a more disciplined healthy lifestyle and back into a less disciplined one.

By less disciplined, I simply mean that I'm not paying close attention to what I'm eating and making some less than stellar choices. I've been pretty much sedentary as far as physical activity goes, but that is going to change. In the past couple of days I've managed a couple of short bicycle rides and a little bit of walking. I don't think I'm up to my 4 mph walking pace, nor do I expect to walk 3 or 4 miles, but I am ready to get back to it. I've done a little bit of yoga in the past few days, but find some of the poses difficult and uncomfortable for my foot. Guess I'll just have to do the poses that are not uncomfortable. (Balance, by the way, is much more difficult when a toe doesn't work!)

And as long as it's time to get back to regular exercise, I might as well get back to documenting my food intake. If you're not keeping track of what you eat (including how much), it is amazing at how quickly the extra calories can add up!

I've noticed that since I've been less disciplined about the documentation of what I eat, the pounds have started to creep back on. It has been more noticeable in the two weeks with no exercise. I'm going to strap on a goal of a little more weight loss and work towards ending 2014 at 190. That may be tough with the holiday season, but it is doable if I keep my focus.

Today is the day!

I've had my coffee and my breakfast (300 calories) and now it's time for a walk. It will be slower than my usual pace but they say that even at a slow pace, you're still lapping everybody that's sitting on the couch!

(It's funny that the same people that say things like that are the same people that tell you it isn't about what everybody else is doing. Your only competition is yourself.)

John <><

1 comment:

  1. John, I love the quote about the people sitting on the couch. Keep going!
