Sunday, December 19, 2021

December 19

It's not been a good week.
I'm not looking forward to tomorrow's weigh-in. It's like I took the week off -- after I had a successful vacation.
No worries. Better health is a journey.


Thursday, December 16, 2021

December 16

Well it seems that I have taken a few days off from paying close attention to diet and exercise. Not a big deal, but time to get back to the daily walk (so to speak). Diet hasn't been too bad, hut I have had quite a bit of sweet snacks and more than the usual amount of processed food. There is more than enough good, whole food in the house that I should be able to easily readjust to staying full on good for me foods.
I really want to end the year strong so that I am going into 2022 with some positive momentum. 


Sunday, December 12, 2021

December 12

I doubt that I've ever gone on a vacation and lost weight -- until now!
I have to admit, I was a little hesitant about stepping on the scale this morning. Although I have been pretty good on the food part over the past two weeks, I have had quite a bit more liquid calories in the form of craft beer. I'm guessing that all of the walking and climbing hills and stairs helped to keep everything in balance.

This morning's unlikely weigh in was 234. That's -4 pounds from my pre-travel weight and -28 pounds from my August 1st high of 262. Yay, me!

I'm really liking the stuff I'm re-reading in The Abs Diet, and remembering why I was so successful the first time I read it. As in Eat to Live, calorie counting isn't a thing. Eating the right foods tends to limit your calorie consumption by itself. The Abs Diet does have an emphasis on exercise that isn't in many "diet" books, but I'm certain you would lose weight just following the recommended changes in eating habits.

Okay, back to real life.


Friday, December 10, 2021

December 10

Today is our last full day here in Puerto Vallarta. Although the diet part of my new normal will be easier to maintain, I will really need to work on keeping up the activity. All of the walking hills and climbing stairs has been really good for me. Although my legs and feet are tired and a little sore, I can tell they are also getting stronger. 
Walking is just the way to get around here. At home, there aren't really any restaurants or stores within easy walking distance. There is a pizza place and a little diner about 2 miles from the house and a Dollar General store a little bit closer. It's around 8 miles or so to the next nearest restaurant or grocery store. 
I like living where we live. I just don't do enough walking as a part of life and need to prioritize it as exercise. 

I'm a little afraid of getting on the scale when we get home. Getting back to the normal diet will be good.


Wednesday, December 8, 2021

December 8

Pretty lazy day yesterday.
I am finding the pool to be great for allowing me to stretch beyond what I can normally stretch my legs and open the hips. The buoyancy allows me to hold positions and transition to others more easily than without it. It was a nice way to end the day.
Granola and milk for breakfast, tuna salad and tortilla chips for lunch, sushi for dinner, and an evening snack of chicken tenders and a couple of beers made up the intake for the day.

It was a good day.


Tuesday, December 7, 2021

December 7

Well it has been a few days since I've posted and I really don't want to get out of the habit of posting on a regular (if not daily) basis. Although I have not been logging foods or calories on this trip, I've been doing okay. I know some regular Mexican foods like refried beans and guacamole are high in fat calories, but overall I think I'm doing okay. I've been skipping the sour cream and cheese due the distress from a little lactose intolerance.
I'll be back to logging foods when I get home and back to a more regular routine.

I haven't done anything in the way of exercise other than walking. Yesterday I had over 15,000 steps, nearly half of which were walking up stairs or up an incline. The downhill part does bother my knee a little bit. The uphill part is hard on the muscles and wind. I'm just glad I'm not carrying the additional 24 pounds that I was carrying in August.

I am hopeful that I haven't regained any weight this trip. We'll see soon enough.


Saturday, December 4, 2021

December 4

Just a couple of things to note.
I haven't been logging foods the past few days and the only real exercise has been walking up and down the hills and stair steps in Puerto Vallarta. 
We're taking a weekend trip into the mountains to the coffee farms around Tepic in Nayarit. I am not bringing my laptop and so I won't be posting for a couple of days.

Be well,

Friday, December 3, 2021

December 3, Diary

I've been doing pretty well on the food consumption and staying active. In spite of spending plenty of time doing noting but lying around the pool or sitting on the beach, the walks into the city and the hill climb back to the apartment are quite a bit more than I would be doing at home.
As I have already mentioned, The few beers I've had each day may be undoing the otherwise good diet. I'll keep that in mind as I enjoy the rest of our stay here. 


Thursday, December 2, 2021

December 2, Diary

I'm getting plenty of walking in, mostly up and down hills or steps. I did manage some free squats (50) as a part of my day, but that will probably my activity/exercise for the first part of the month.

Food wise I'm doing okay. I didn't log food yesterday and may not for the rest of our travels. It might turn out to be my undoing, but I think I'll be okay. So far (on our travels) both food type and portion has been okay. That beer thing is going to be a problem for the next week or so. I'm going to have to keep things in moderation. 


Wednesday, December 1, 2021

December Diary

It's December 1, and just 31 days from 2022.
Beginning the month away from home and the normal routine will make it a challenging month. I think I really need to work on building some upper body muscle and overall core strength. At home that would include some dumbbells, the weight machine and some stretching. Away from home -- well, I'll need to figure something out. I might just find some time for some squats, planks and a few push-ups or something. 

I don't think that what I eat will be much of a challenge over the next few days. How much I eat is a different story. I'm also going to need to watch the beer intake. I've had as much beer in the past day and a half as in the entire rest of the month of November. 

Live well
Eat well
Make good choices

That's going to be the motto for the final 31 days of 2021.


Tuesday, November 30, 2021

November 30, No Excuses

The final day of November has arrived and I have done well in getting a little more exercise on a daily basis. Granted, I certainly don't push myself and I am far from being fit, but I am doing more than I was doing and I'm working on making exercise (not just activity) a part of my daily routine.

Having said that, yesterday was a day of activity rather than exercise. 
It was travel day and included a lot of walking and carrying luggage.
I probably consumed a full day's calories at dinner with a couple of beers and a full plate of steak nachos. That isn't too bad considering I really didn't eat much throughout the day.

Although my simple version of No Excuse November ends today, I am hopeful of continuing with daily exercise of some type and working towards a more healthful and sustainable diet. Today I am going to have to figure out a daily or at least a monthly goal for December.

Be well,

Sunday, November 28, 2021

November 29, No Excuses

Sunday was an easy day. I started with some time on the exercise bike and a little stretching. I ate lightly and fairly well. Fairly well because dinner was a little high in fat calories but the overall total for the day was pretty low.

Monday will need to be a low cal day because I'm not expecting to get in much exercise, but hopefully we'll get a walk in after our plane lands in Puerto Vallarta late in the afternoon. No Monday morning weigh-in; just going with Sunday morning's 238.


November 28, No Excuses


I suppose I should be happy to have made it through Thanksgiving week without gaining any weight, but a weight neutral week is not really what I want at this point. Travel, family, a little beer, some good international food--all in my future for the next couple of weeks. This is going to be a challenge.

On the other hand, I should be able to get plenty of walking in. I don't know that I'll get much in the way of other exercise, but the walking part should be good. 

With just 33 days until 2022, 220 pounds is looking to be unrealistic as a part of a lifestyle change. If losing 18 pounds in that time was the main thing, I'm sure I could do it. But losing the weight as a part of sustainable lifestyle habits is not going to happen. A steady two pounds per week (maybe a little more) will put me around 228 on January 1. That would be -34 pounds from my August 1st high of 262. It's not much in the grand scheme of weight loss, but considering my 7 weeks of no loss from the beginning of September to mid October--I'd take it.  
Even at my current -24 pounds I already feel better. I don't really look any different (yet), but I do feel better. Honestly, it isn't like it's a great feeling of "Oh! I have so much more energy!" or anything exciting like that. It's more like a subtle peace of "I feel good about myself and the decisions I'm making." 

Writing about it each day in a kind of daily diary keeps me mentally focused on how I'm doing day by day. I don't share this blog to Facebook on a daily basis, but I do post it to Twitter every day. It's really for my own benefit that I write it. I know that there are others that also struggle with the day to day bad habits to better habits changes that are necessary to get to better health. Maybe it's for them, too.

     "The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide you're not going to stay where you are."
     --JP Morgan

Change is difficult.
I know.


Saturday, November 27, 2021

November 27, No Excuses

It's hard to believe that the month is coming to an end. It's possible that I could be at -12 pounds for the month, but it will be hard to know for sure. I'll get a weigh-in at home on Monday morning, but will be away on December 1. Really hoping for an extra good December and will have to stay very focused and be more into the exercise part next month to make 220 by January 1.
Yesterday was a good day for both diet and exercise.

As I am re-reading The Abs Diet I am finding it interesting how there are so many opposing views on what the best way to fuel the body is. Every expert has their own set of studies and stats to back their particular view. Then you have people that read multiple books and cherry pick what they like, or believe, or can live with as they struggle with trying to change their overall diet and lifestyle. I think we often end up going from one process that has led to bad choices to a new process that leads to many of the same bad choices or maybe a whole new set of bad choices. No wonder the diet industry is a multi-billion dollar industry.

The one common theme that I seem to find in the many different books I've read over the past few decades is controlling insulin. While it isn't always addressed as insulin control, it's really always the main thing in controlling weight, reducing fat, and living longer, healthier lives. 
Whether it's eating several smaller meals per day (5-6), severely restricting carbs, going paleo, going vegan, or any other of hundreds of diet book philosophies, the ones that seem to have the most success are the ones that can be effective as a lifestyle rather than serve as a temporary diet plan that you are on for a while and then off and back to your old habits as you yo-yo up and down between "diets" that are designed to only work for a short time. 

Like many overweight people, I have the diet books, the diet cook books, the healthy eating cookbooks, the exercise books, the yoga mat, the exercise equipment, and the receipts that have contributed to that multi-billion dollar industry. The one bill that I haven't had (yet) is the large medical or hospital bill. To date I am not on any meds for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, or any other health condition. But I do fear those things are in my future if I revert back to the yo-yo life of gaining, losing, and regaining weight. 

For today, November 27, I will be healthy. I'll get some exercise and I'll eat well. I'm not going to worry about undoing the past. I'm just going to live well today and leave the past where it is. While I certainly have goals and hopes for the future, I'm not going to be so focused that I miss out on today. 
Live in the moment. Live well. That's the plan -- for today.


Friday, November 26, 2021

November 26, No Excuses

I went over my calorie target. I did try to keep "bad" foods to a reasonable low, but managed more than a few sweet calories and processed carbs. All-in-all, it wasn't a terrible day. 
Today it's back to the new normal and a much lower volume day.

I did start the day with a 45 minute, 10 mile, indoor cycle ride to help minimize the damage done by eating the Thanksgiving feast later in the day. I'll be hitting the cycle again today. I don't have a new, computer connected cycle like Peloton or anything. I'm pretty low tech. I also have a low tech, older model treadmill. There is no computer coach driving me on, just some classic rock radio and a steady rhythm to keep me going.


Thursday, November 25, 2021

November 25, Thanksgiving

I'm giving myself the day off.
I know that I'll still log foods--partly because I'm on a streak and don't want to end it, and partly because I want to make paying attention to what I eat a lifelong habit. I won't always be logging foods, but I'm still working on the the recognition of what I'm shoving into my mouth and its effect on my body. 

I am going to try to get a little cycle time in this morning. 


Wednesday, November 24, 2021

November 24, No Excuses

November is winding down. I'd like to say that I'm going to finish strong, but I'm not really committed to that. I'm more likely to just keep doing what I've been doing for the first 23 days of the month. In fact, that's what I'd like to be doing as I move forward into December and 2022--just keep doing the same mindful eating and activity each and every day.

I do plan on making today a light day on the diet side. I know that tomorrow will not be. Even though I hope to be mindful of everything during the traditional Thanksgiving feast, I know there will be so very much food that I am shying away from in my new diet. Moderation is the key (I think).
I will try to track my food for the day, but I am expecting to exceed my normal daily intake--and I'm okay with that. I know that logging it will help to keep the over doing it to a minimum. 

I will need to get my exercise in early. With company coming over for dinner I don't know what the afternoon/evening will look like. It would be nice to have a post dinner walk, but I don't know how everyone else will feel about that. I'll count it as a bonus if it happens.


Tuesday, November 23, 2021

November 23, No Excuses

One week left in the month of November!
Yesterday was a good diet day. I'm really finding that eating more plant based stuff -- fruit, beans, raw veggies -- makes eating fewer calories so much easier. I do need to consciously add more veggies into the day and limit the nuts and seeds because of the high fat content. Overall, I've done pretty well at restricting the processed grains from breads, pasta and white rice. I've had a few sandwiches, enjoyed some pasta, and made fried rice, but as a rule -- most days have been free of the lower nutrient, processed carbs. I've also restricted most dairy by switching to a milk substitute and forgoing the cheese when I think of it.
And I've really restricted beer (I think I've had two this month). Beer and weightloss don't go together very well.

I'm not hard and fast on not eating (or drinking) anything in particular. I'm just being more aware of how it affects me and deciding if it's okay in that specific circumstance. I'm minus eight pounds for the first three weeks of November and hoping to keep pace through the Thanksgiving holiday. 

Side note: The MyFitnesPal app that I use adds in additional food calories for calories burned during tracked exercises like walking, running, cycling, etc. Rather than using those exercise calories to add to my intake as I have in the past, I think I'll just count them as additional calories burned moving forward. 

Exercise wise -- I'm doing better and finding something daily in the way of actual exercise vs just being active. I think this is important for me as we enter into the winter months and my activity is much less than during warmer weather.

I've also started re-reading The Abs Diet by David Zinczenko. It's the book that got me started on my last minus sixty pound journey eight+ years ago.

Monday, November 22, 2021

November 22, No Excuses

It's  a Monday morning weigh-in day and the beginning of the fourth week in November.
I am back to losing a relatively healthy 2 pounds per week and come in at 238 pounds. I'm not sure who decided that 2lbs/wk is supposed to be the target, but the MyFitnessPal app creators won't go higher than that for calculating calories for weight loss. I, however, am going to have to step it up to 3lbs/wk if I'm going to make 220 by the end of the year.

Actually 220 isn't a must meet goal. It's a number I had in mind before I went eight weeks without losing any weight in September and most of October. I'm still going to go for it even though I expect the next three weeks to be a challenge--Thanksgiving this week, then some traveling and family time in the coming weeks.
It will be more doable if I look at my daily log to track what I've eaten instead of looking at it to see how much I can snack late in the evening. Yesterday's diet was good. I even managed to have a rare beer in the afternoon.

Exercise was light as I'm still having some back issues. This getting old crap really sucks. While I'm not really wanting to stop aging; I am wanting to hold off its effects, hence the current exercise and healthy living plan. 
Bring on the tough weeks!
Here we go!


Saturday, November 20, 2021

November 21, No Excuses

This was a different day than I was expecting. While working in the garage today, I managed to trigger some muscle spasms in my low back. I spent the rest of the day alternating between trying to relax the offending muscles and gently stretching with out over stimulating them. Just going to say it pretty much sucks when I've been doing well on the activity part. Hopefully a good night's rest will be all I need for recovery.

Food wise was a good day and I'm under the calorie target and looking for a decent Monday morning weigh-in. 


Friday, November 19, 2021

November 20, No Excuses

Today (the 19th) was one of those days. I really didn't feel like doing anything -- at all.
As it turned out, I added a couple of extra miles to my normal indoor cycle ride. I think I'll be building it up to an hour soon. I also may use the treadmill some, just for something different.

I did okay on food. I made some pork fried rice for dinner. We always use lots of veggies, but the bacon, pork (chops), eggs, and bacon grease added a lot of animal product and a lot of calories. Thanks to my added bike time/miles, I was still under for the day.

For the past couple of days I have been writing this at the end of the day rather than the following morning. It started when I had plans for the morning and wasn't sure if I'd have the time to write in the morning and has just continued. I've also been writing my other blog at the end of the day and posting after midnight or scheduling it for the morning.
It may or may not continue like that.

Be well,

Thursday, November 18, 2021

November 19, No Excuses

I enjoyed a couple of late night snacks and still managed to come in under my calorie limit. I'm paying more attention to the carb/protein/fat ratios and totals. I'm doing okay but still trying to figure out what my body is telling me for balance.

I did something to strain my back yesterday, It was stiff last light, okay for most of the day today, but started stiffening up again tonight. My activity for today was some good stretching and a little body weight stuff. Hopefully, I'll be good to go tomorrow.


Wednesday, November 17, 2021

November 18, No Excuses

For the second time in the 28 days that I've been logging foods I have gone over my daily allotment of calories. I thought about hopping on the cycle for another 30 minutes, but decided against it. It really wasn't a bad day. The foods that put me over weren't bad foods and I don't feel like I over ate. I had a coupe of cheesy biscuits at 150 calories each and ate too many cashews which are pretty high in fat and total calories. I'm just going to own t and not worry about it. I should still be at a loss for the week.

An easy 30 minutes on the cycle and a short walk. Thursday looks to be a busy day and I'll need to figure out where the exercise fits into it.


November 17, No Excuses

Not every salad is good for you.
We ate out last night and I had a salad and it was good.
I don't know that it was good for me. 
It was loaded with salami, pepperoni, ham, turkey, and bacon. Plus it had black olives and cheese. It also had some iceberg and romaine lettuce. After all, it was a salad.
It was obviously pretty high in fat calories, but I managed to stay under my total calories for the day and didn't feel like I was depriving myself along the way.

I came home and did my 30 minutes on the exercise bike to end of the day.

Although it wasn't an exceptional day in any way, It is what I'm hoping each day will be. I'm only a couple of weeks into really trying to restructure what my normal day will look like. I hope that this will be on the fringe exception side of normal as I am striving to reduce meats and dairy, especially meats that are loaded with preservatives like salami and pepperoni.
My late in life recognition to my little bit of lactose intolerance had me using milk with lactase (Lactaid or other lactose free milk), but I just bought some oat milk which works well in my mostly oat cereal and is easier on my digestion. 

One simple step at a time.

Be well,

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

November 16, No excuses

(actually writing this late Monday night to post on Tuesday morning)
Although t was a fairly busy day (at least by retired guy standards), I did manage 30 minutes on the exercise bike late in the evening.
I had a heavy meat day which also means a heavy fat day (they tend to go together). In spite of this, I did well in the overall calorie count. I actually did very well until experimenting with some almond nog, almond nog with bourbon, and a couple of handfuls of nuts as a late snack.
Still under for the day and will do better on Tuesday.

Just fyi, here is an article that popped into my feed (funny how that happens) on plant based protein. For those that are still skeptical about the amount of protein in green plants, I used to own horses. They were some of the most well muscled animals I know of and ate nothing but grass. The same can be said of gorillas that are predominantly vegetarians.
Just food for thought (so to speak).


Monday, November 15, 2021

November 15, No Excuses

I'm two weeks into No Excuse November and doing pretty well. I've continued to log foods daily and have had no problems coming in below calories. Increasing fruit, vegetables, and legumes while limiting meat, dairy, and processed grains has really helped with keeping a full, satisfied feeling and lower calorie count.

I'm also finding it easier to find daily time for some sort of exercise, even if it's only 15 or 20 minutes on the stationary bike. I've lost 11 pounds since October 22 when I decided to get serious and changed my eating habits.

The thing that always concerns me is wondering if this is something that I can do as a lifestyle change. If you've followed my journey for long, you know I've been up and down and up again with weight swings that have varied by nearly 70 pounds. I really think can keep up with a more plant-based diet as a way of life. 
I am not going all in on Dr. Fuhrmann's Eat to Live diet. I'm not doing his hard-core 6 week induction diet, and I probably won't completely eliminate dairy, nor limit meat to the extent he recommends. I'm not cutting out coffee, nor do I want to feel bad about an occasional beer, bourbon, or tequila. But I do think I'll find a place in between the way I was eating and his plan that will work as a lifestyle eating plan that will be nutritious and healthy and doable for me.

Many years ago an old friend (80s) said to me, "John, if I had known I was going to live this long I would have taken better care of myself." 
Hopefully, it's not too late for me to take care of myself now so that my 80 year old self will not regret the health decisions of my 61 year old self.


Sunday, November 14, 2021

November 14, No Excuses

I thought I'd post my breakfast pic and recipe from yesterday. It's a little variation on my fried oatmeal. I like this no egg approach better and it makes it vegan friendly. It does make for a larger breakfast than I typically have, but I don't mind moving towards larger meals earlier and smaller meals later. It fits with the weight control adage -- Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, dinner like a pauper.

Start with a small ripe banana and mash it in a bowl. Add a half cup of old fashioned rolled oats and a quarter cup of crushed walnuts. I like to season it with a bit of cinnamon. Mix it well so that it will stay together in a ball or patty and fry it on the griddle or in a skillet. I use just a little coconut oil and medium heat. I topped mine with a cup of frozen mixed berries that I heated in the microwave. It ends up with 537 calories. It's a little high in fat from the walnuts (18g), but it's the good Omega 3 fats we need. It also has 7g of protein.
It was pretty tasty!

I had a pretty good day food wise. I was (again) right at the daily calorie allotment, but pretty satisfied with what I'm consuming. I am liking plant based eating for keeping a full feeling without packing on the calories. 

On the fitness side I spent time on the indoor cycle and with the dumbbells. That seems to be a good cool weather/bad weather fit and I'll work on keeping that up in the coming weeks. It really isn't much of a workout. I may put more into it as time passes, or I may just be satisfied with the regular activity level it brings as is. It's not like I'm planning a 50 mile run like my niece Laura just completed, or a century bicycle ride like my nephew Joe does on a regular basis. I just need to manage the stairs from the deck to the garden!

My regular weekly weigh-in isn't until tomorrow, but I stepped on the scale this morning to see how it was looking and it read 240. I'm feeling pretty good about it.


Saturday, November 13, 2021

November 13, No Excuses

With the cooling temperatures and less of a commitment to walking in the great outdoors, the indoor cycle and dumbbells are becoming my go-to for exercise. I put in an afternoon 30 minutes yesterday and may do the same today while watching the fights.

Total food calories were okay yesterday and most of the content was good. I was a little heavy on the fat intake due to the guacamole with dinner. 
We finished dinner early and I was very purposeful about no late evening snacks so I'm set up well for a day of IF. I'm already at 15 hours. Noon will be 19 hours and I'll see how I feel then.


Friday, November 12, 2021

November 12, No Excuses

I think I like adding the 1 minute sprints into my indoor cycle riding. I've done that a couple of times now and will try to continue to do that or some other variation to keep it interesting. I added some dumbbell work to the cycle riding yesterday and felt good about it afterwards.

It was a good day on the food intake. I did have a heavy milk stout which was the first beer I've had in a few weeks. Losing weight while continuing to drink beer is a real challenge. It's much easier to cut it out or severely limit consumption. I ended up close to the total daily allotment on calories, but feel good about the food I ate.

I did miss Monday's weigh-in since we were camping. I stepped on the scale this morning and was encouraged to read it at 242. That's -20 pounds since Aug 1st. It's good to see the numbers moving (and in the right direction!) again. It is seven weeks until 2022, so 220 will take some purposeful and consistent work. Holidays can be a tough time to be eating healthy and losing weight. Not being that much of a social creature is an advantage.

Be well,

Thursday, November 11, 2021

November 11, No Excuses

Yesterday was pretty much as expected.
We torn down camp in the morning and spent the afternoon on the road. After a quick dinner at home, I went to my meeting in Springfield. I did manage some cycle time after I got home, so the day wasn't a total bust as far as exercise goes.

Food was okay in the calorie count, but could have been better as far as what I actually ate. It will be good to be back at home and eating more of what I want to be my new normal.


Wednesday, November 10, 2021

November 10, No Excuses

We took a short hike yesterday around the Johnson Shut-ins. There was quite a bit of elevation change -- down, up, down, up stuff. It wasn't too severe. Just something to add to the walk.

We ate out last night. It was an old school that had been turned into a hospital during the Civil War. It was later bought by nuns and turned into a convent and school for girls. It's a cool place, but seems out of place for the area. I'm sure they do a much better business during the summer season. I imagine it's a pretty rough time for business during the winter months.
I didn't log my calories for the entire day, but it wasn't a bad day.

Today will be breaking down camp, driving home, church meeting tonight. I'll get some time on the exercise bike later in the evening. 


Tuesday, November 9, 2021

November 9, No Excuses

A nice walk around the campgrounds, a nice drive into town.
Today some hiking.

I pushed the calorie limit yesterday and am finding that both meat and processed foods can add calories quickly without really filling me up. Gotta listen to what my body is telling me.


Monday, November 8, 2021

November 8, No Excuses

Blogging from the table of our pop-up camper this morning. Yesterday was driving and setting up camp. I took a day of rest from the walking/exercise and used camp setup as my activity for the day.

The pasta dinner was as much processed food as I've had in a meal in a week, but it was a tasty camp dinner. 

No weigh-in this morning to mark the end of November week 1, but I'm feeling good about how it's going.


Sunday, November 7, 2021

November 7, No Excuses

Yesterday was a light day. I was pretty active doing stuff most of the day, and managed a couple of miles of walking. Actual exercise was pretty light in the evening. I got in some decent stretching and some squats in while watching the fights.

I did the IF thing by waiting 19 hours from Friday's finish and then packing some good eating into 4 hours yesterday afternoon and early evening. I did eat more lean meat yesterday than I will typically be eating, but my calorie numbers were way down so the higher density calorie food didn't hurt.

Being away from home for the next couple of days will be an interesting challenge. I'm hoping to be able to stay on course.


Saturday, November 6, 2021

November 6, No Excuses

Yesterday's walk was a more leisurely stroll. We drove to the Ozark Park and walked the park and the newly developed area around the old mill. It ended up being only 1.5 miles, but I added some walking and stair steps while working on an afternoon project for the back porch.

I'm going to put yesterday in the bad diet column. I did come in below my calorie allotment for the day, so that part is good, but I ate poorly--too much calorie dense, high fat food. I'm okay with the occasional day like that, but I want it to be the exception. Back to the fruits, nuts, and veggies today.

I won't be home on Monday morning for a first week weigh-in. I'll try to remember to do that tomorrow morning. I did step on the scale this morning and I was 244 pounds. That's minus 2 for the week/month and I'm happy about that. Daily weighing can be weird, so I may or may not weigh in tomorrow. 
When I went through the big loss several years ago, I weighed daily but told myself I had to be at or below a weight for three consecutive days before I could claim it. Maybe weighing daily isn't the weird part. Maybe it's me.

Be well,

Friday, November 5, 2021

November 5, No Excuses

I split yesterday's exercise into 15 minutes on the indoor cycle and a 1.2 mile walk. I went with something a little different on the cycle by adding five 1 minute sprints followed by 1 minute of easy (12 mph) cycling. The walk was twice around the perimeter of the property (.95 miles) and to the mailbox and back (.25 miles). I like the perimeter walk. It's hilly and grassy and better than road walking.

I had a good diet day. I'm liking eating more fruits and veggies. They are more filling than I would have expected and are way less calorie dense than meat and dairy products. Plus they are way more nutritious than meat and dairy products. It's actually been a pretty easy way to come in low on the daily calories without feeling hungry at all during the day.

The mixed greens, carrot, cabbage, radish salad with a bit of balsamic vinegar, olive oil, and some seasonings, topped with tuna with mayo and a little relish was dinner.


Thursday, November 4, 2021

November 4, No Excuses

I did the 30 minutes on the exercise cycle yesterday. It wasn't a killer pace or anything. I was actually reading a little bit while riding, but that doesn't work too well for reading or riding. I'll most likely be on the cycle again today.

We went out to eat last night. I had a nice salad that had fruit, nuts, and feta cheese on some nice greens, and a bowl of shrimp and lobster chowder. The freshly baked bread and butter added big to the calorie count, but I was right at the daily number for my total (after a late snack of a few crackers and peanut butter).
I'll give some attention to the time of my last intake today and set up a day of intermittent fasting for tomorrow.

Be well,

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

November 3, No Excuses

I did get a nice walk in yesterday as well as a little late evening exercise. I was a little short of 10,000 steps (but wasn't really targeting that). I might try to add some cycling to my walk today. We'll see.

I also kept my calories below the daily allotment. The breakfast experiment I mentioned yesterday was to use a mashed banana as a binder for my fried oatmeal instead of the egg I normally use. I also used coconut oil instead of butter to keep it entirely plant based. The banana added sweetness which was good since I didn't want to used syrup or add refined sugar. It turned out well and I'll probably use a banana in the future if it's available.

Also, a cup of my muesli mix, a large banana, and a teaspoon of coconut oil was well over 400 calories and a very filling breakfast. In the future I will probably make half or split it with Chris if she wants.


Tuesday, November 2, 2021

November 2, No Excuses

I did it! One day--No excuses. Big deal, right?
Actually, without Day 1, there is no Day 2, so it's kind of a deal. I started with just 15 minutes on the exercise cycle and then walked 1.2 miles before it started a light rain. Today will be another cool and overcast day, but no rain is in the forecast. The plan is to walk a couple of miles.

I had more meat yesterday than I think I'll be having on most days as I move to more of a plant based diet. I had a chicken salad lunch and chili for dinner. Overall, I was well below the daily calorie count. 

I want to point out that even though I am using calories as a sort of daily guide for weightloss, I'm learning that the kind of calories really matter in how I feel. By limiting low fiber processed foods like bread and pasta, and calorie dense foods like meat, I am not feeling hungry or even craving snacks throughout the day. I'm thinking about a mini-experiment for breakfast today. If I go through with it, I'll share it tomorrow.

November 2
Just another day in the new healthy normal, right?


Monday, November 1, 2021

November 1, No Excuses

I used to walk every day.
Every. Single. Day.
It was just a part of what I did.
I need to get back to that kind of daily habit.

November's goal is 30 minutes on the exercise cycle or a two mile walk -- every day, no excuses.

Yesterday's diet was okay. For the second time in a week I ate most of my calories in a single meal and was very close to my daily calorie allotment. (The few Halloween treats pushed the limit.) I'll be sticking to the heavy on the fruits and veggies, light on the processed foods and meats diet for the coming weeks and looking to make that a lifestyle change.

This morning's first of the month weigh-in was at 246 pounds. That's less than yesterday's 248. I don't think I lost two pounds in a day and several things may have contributed to the difference. 
1) It's an analog bathroom scale.
2) We all have heavy days and light days
3) Yesterday was just a quick read. Today I double checked.
4) Yes, I did lose two pounds in a day

In the end, it's not a big deal and I'm going to call it 246 for November's starting weight.
Here we go!


Sunday, October 31, 2021

October 31, Day 40

Looking at the title today, it's easy to see my 100 day countdown to 2022 is off by a day.

I did step on the scale this morning and was at 248, so I managed to drop a whole two pounds this month. On the bright side, since it all came in the past few days I'm happy to be back on track. Logging foods and keeping total daily calories down has been a big help.

I have changed my diet in the past week. I'm eating more fruits and vegetables and really restricting anything processed. To be fair--I have had a little rice (white rice is pretty processed), a little bread, some pasta, and some cheeses. I've also had some sweets but not many as I'm watching the refined sugars, as well. I still want to enjoy good food. I do want to be cautious about over doing it. Fruits, veggies, nuts, and whole grains are a good way to "fill up" without piling on the calories.
(Wow. Rereading what I just wrote. In the past six days I've had rice, bread, pasta, cheeses, and sweets. If I've been restrictive this week, my regular diet really sucks!)
Overall, I have felt more full and satiated while keeping the daily calories relatively low. Whole grains, nuts, fruits and veggies are the main things. I've also limited dairy and meats. I think my body and brain are still trying to figure out what's going on, but the initial effects are good. I'll keep you posted as I work through another week.

While diet has been good this week, activity has sucked. It's been low level on the best days. Gotta fix that this week.
New month tomorrow.

Be well, 

Friday, October 29, 2021

October 29, Day 38

Writing at the end of the day rather than the beginning. Today has been a bust. I've been dealing with the same negative reaction to my COVID booster that I did with the 2nd shot. Ugh!
On the bright side, I think I'm turning the corner on the diet/weightloss thing. I've gone from just over 250 to just under 250 this week.
For the past few days I've been trying to eat more real whole food like fruits, veggies, and whole grains, and fewer processed foods and less meat. Shifting away from the typical American diet that has most of us obese or overweight isn't going to be easy. I think the biggest change has to be in the mindset of deciding not to eat crap (says the guy that just ate some crackers and processed cheese). 
I'm pretty sure that I won't be eliminating all processed foods from my diet. I do need to cut them back quite a bit. I think I also need to cut back on the dairy products a little. I typically don't have much dairy in a day--a little (lactose free) milk with cereal in the morning is pretty much it unless there's ice cream in the house. Cheese is also a regular habit and I like it a lot, so that may be tough.

I've been doing well at the food logging this week and plan on keeping it up. It really helps to see what I'm eating and how much of it. It is surprising how satisfying and filling raw fruits and veggies can be. I'm looking forward to a Monday, November 1st weigh-in. I have a feeling November will be a good month.


Thursday, October 28, 2021

October 28, Day 37

Yesterday had no exercise. I was pretty active for several hours while volunteering at a local food pantry, but nothing in the way of purposeful exercise.

I managed the first part of the IF day and didn't eat until 3:30. I failed at the shut off point since we were at friends and I was snacking later than I should have been. I skipped the food logging/calorie count since it can be difficult when eating at someone else's home. Overall, not a bad day.
No IF today, but need to log food. I want it to be the habit.


Wednesday, October 27, 2021

October 27, Day 36

Yesterday was a good day on the calorie count. It wasn't a sustainable kind of day, but for the present I'm just getting jump started in the big 50 pound weightloss journey. I broke my IF around 3:30 with a banana, ate dinner about 5:30 and finished the day with a bowl of mixed fruit at 8:30. The total count was fewer than 1000 calories. 
Like I said, it's not sustainable. I do want to make regular intermittent fasting a part of my lifestyle, perhaps once or twice per week. 

Yesterday was okay on activity, but other than some purposeful stretching was void of exercise. That's just the way it went yesterday. My step counter has come in between 5100 and 5600 all week, so not too much in the grand scheme of things, but okay for a guy that rarely leaves his home.
Today should be more.


Tuesday, October 26, 2021

October 26, Day 35

Another short morning walk to get the blood flowing early, followed by some stretching. Honestly thought about adding in some jump rope even though I remembered what a tough workout that can be. Damn, that's a lot of added stress on the already overstressed knees and ankles. I'm going to have to go easy on that until some of this weight comes off.

The food logging is going okay. I've ended the past two days below the calories calculated for a steady 2 pound per week weightloss. I pretty much know the calorie dense foods to avoid and am looking to be more aware of the nutrient dense foods to be desired.
I've incorporated a little intermittent fasting (IF) the past two days and will continue to do that a few days per week. IF provides some additional healthy benefits that are worth reading about and really just shifts (and sometimes condenses) your eating hours. Considering my normal waking hours, I need to shift my eating hours to later in the day with my final mealtime (or snack time) being around 8 or 9 PM. Normal bedtime is midnight to 1 AM, and wake up time is usually between 7:30 and 8.

I do feel like there has been a bit of a mindset shift that will be beneficial. That's the thing I've really needed. So much of our poor diet and eating has been around food as culture, making food the focal point of gatherings, etc., that we no longer eat to live. We now live to eat. And most of the food that we've developed to fit our busy lifestyles isn't very good for us. We sacrifice nutrition for quick calories and move on. 
Even as the pace of life has greatly slowed in retirement, the lifelong bad habit of relying on processed foods and calorie dense food has clung to our daily diets. I need to change those habits. I believe that we can eat to live and still enjoy good tasting food. It's about finding the balance.


Monday, October 25, 2021

October 25, Day 34

A new beginning.
(How many times have I written/said that?)

Yesterday was good.
I took a short walk and stretched. It was the best muscle stretching I've done in a while.

Diet wise:
My new beginning was an intermittent fasting day which went well until I started eating. Actually, it wasn't a bad day. I did eat more than I expected to eat. I held off until 5:30 in the evening and basically ate just the one meal for the day. The meal did include dessert followed by an evening of visiting. By the time it was all said and done I had a coupe of more helpings of dessert, but I was still considerably below my daily caloric allowance. (Yes, I logged my food.)
Eating time was 5:30 to 11PM.

I think I'm going to find and reread The Abs Diet (or something like that). I read it and found it to be helpful in my last 60 pound loss adventure. It wasn't gimmicky, but had some good dieting (and exercise) stuff in it. I also added a book, Eat to Live, to my Kindle library. I'll let you know what I think of it.
All-in-all, yesterday was a good reset day--both for the mind and spirit as well as for the body.


Sunday, October 24, 2021

October 24, Day 33

It's 1/3 the way through the final 100 days of 2021 and I'm pretty much right where I started. I'm going to make a push this final week of October and see if I can't get on track and drop a couple of pounds before the calendar page changes to November. That would give me some momentum to keep going.
I need to step up the activity. Honestly, it hasn't been much.

And diet--F#*K! I'm going to have to log foods. 
Apparently it's the only way I'm going to really pay attention to the crap I keep shoving in my pie hole.
Anyway you look at it, I'm going into 2022 as a fat boy. Hopefully it will be a little less of a fat boy than I am today.


Friday, October 22, 2021

October 22, Day 31

I was supposed to weigh-in this morning, but didn't think about it when I first woke up. I'll get it tomorrow. but I'm not looking forward to the results.
I did manage another walk yesterday, but not much else. I've not been feeling very motivated lately.
Need to fix that.


Thursday, October 21, 2021

October 21, Day 30

Missed another day's diary post.
My exercise has been pretty light. Walked yesterday, but there is something going on with my left ankle. It's probably finally giving out from carrying my fat ass around. I've been stretching daily, but need to do more.
I was really feeling hungry last night. Not sure what that was about, but I ate more than I needed. Gotta get on top of this. I've pretty much wasted another month.


Tuesday, October 19, 2021

October 19, Day 28

Light work with a little cardio and weights. Need to add more, but not feeling very motivated on the exercise front. Still operating on the something is better than nothing perspective.. At nearly a month into the 100 days I should be doing more.

Neither am I very motivated on the diet front. After dropping that July weight gain I've been pretty steady at 250. Although I am eating better, I'm not losing any weight so I'm just eating too much.
I'm either going to have to accept being a semi-healthy fat guy, or get serious and do something different..


Monday, October 18, 2021

October 18, Day 27

Day off--not because I deserved one, because I just took one.
I'm no longer doing the squat/pushup/plank challenge. My knees are thanking me. I'm using a fitness machine we have that will exercise my quads but be less taxing on the knees. I'll take a pic of it if I think about it when I'm downstairs. I'm also making use of the weight machine in place of the pushups for now and also for some other stuff. Dumbbells are good for arm work.

Diet was good yesterday.

Be well,

Sunday, October 17, 2021

October 17, Day 26

As expected, not much activity yesterday. I did manage a little bit of walking while visiting with my nephew on the SLU campus. A brief walk around campus and a walk to Pappy's BBQ was maybe 1.5 miles total. I did a little stretching in the evening after arriving home.

Stopping at Ted Drewe's pretty much guaranteed that I was over calories for the day, but it is what it is.
Today's a new day.


Saturday, October 16, 2021

October 16, Day 25

Just a quick note before hitting the road today. I'll be in the car for the majority of today so I may not get any exercise in. Yesterday I managed some time on the weight machine and used some dumbbells and one of the cardio machines we have. Not too strenuous, but it felt good.

Diet was okay. Today will be a dietary challenge.

Be well,

Friday, October 15, 2021

October 15, Day 24

Oops! I missed a day.
Not a big deal. I've been trying to spend less time on the internet and was reading yesterday morning instead of scrolling social media.
Exercise has remained light due my back not feeling quite right yet. Long day of driving tomorrow and I'm hoping the back isn't going to be a problem.

Weigh-in this morning was still a solid 250.
Although a big part of good health is getting to a healthy weight (and I'm not progressing in that), I do feel better even though the weight hasn't been coming off. Movement is good.

Something that I haven't mentioned (but is big on the overall health front) is that I have been sleeping more. I'm getting an extra sleep cycle from what was once my normal 4 cycles, and I'm pretty much sleeping through the night. I sometimes wake up at the end of the first cycle and then sleep until morning. That puts my nightly rest at a little over 7.5 hours (my cycles run a little over 90 minutes each). I rarely nap, but do get in an occasional 17 minute power nap if needed.


Wednesday, October 13, 2021

October 13, Day 22

Yesterday I intentionally used yardwork as my exercise. In addition to the time spent in spring garden prep, I decided to push mow the yard part of the property. That was around five miles of walking. I figured that walking didn't seem to bother my low back, so that was my exercise. I ended up with over 14,000 steps for the day. My low back still seems aggravated this morning, so I'll have to figure something out for today.

Yesterday's diet was a little high in fat and I probably should have skipped dessert -- basically the same kind of crap that got me here at 50+ pounds overweight. 


Tuesday, October 12, 2021

October 12, day 21

Well yesterday was a bit of a bust. My back was back to feeling sore (same spot) so I took an unscheduled rest day. I'm hoping it will be better today. Back issues haven't typically been a thing with me. I have had occasional spasms in the past, but seldom have pulled muscles or soreness that lasts. This is a little frustrating.

Diet wise:
Big breakfast, no lunch, good dinner, healthy dessert.


Monday, October 11, 2021

October 11, Day 20

Lazy day yesterday. I did my 30 day challenge stuff, but nothing more.
Diet was okay. It helps that we don't have any junk food in the house.

I'm thinking of not posting every day, but posting is an accountability aid. I'll probably post for me and only share it to my Twitter account, maybe just weekly on Facebook. Not many read it anyway and it isn't for pats on the back or anything. Just trying to keep it moving.


Sunday, October 10, 2021

October 10, Day 19

I felt good yesterday. Honestly, it was the first time I felt good about exercising in a long time.
It's been nearly three weeks since this 100 Day Fitness Challenge began and I really haven't been doing much other than purposefully doing something. For some reason, yesterday felt different. Hopefully, that will continue.

Diet wasn't bad. Still not logging calories.

Be well,

Saturday, October 9, 2021

October 9, Day 18

I ended up taking it pretty easy yesterday. Apparently I pulled a little muscle or something in my back while lifting and twisting those bags of compost on Thursday. Nothing too serious, but I opted for some gentle stretching and resting rather than aggravating it more. Minor muscle injuries are nothing to mess with when you're old, fat, and out of shape.
I'm going to see how it feels doing some yardwork today.

I did okay on the meal diet, but did have a couple of high calorie snacks--gotta watch that more closely.


Friday, October 8, 2021

October 8, Day 17

It turns out that I did make yesterday a rest day. Although I didn't do any "exercise," I wasn't completely inactive. I did load (40 lb. bags), unload, and spread 600 lbs. of compost in my raised garden beds.
Today I'm back at it.
A little Tai Chi this morning, but I still need to complete my squat/pushup/plank challenge.

Damn, no progress on the weight yet. I guess I'm going to have to go back to logging calories. I really hate that and am going to have set my attitude to get that done. I've been resisting doing that even though I know (from experience) it works.

Be well,

Thursday, October 7, 2021

October 7, Day 16

I'm glad that today is a rest day on the 30 Day squat/pushup/plank challenge. My knees need the day off.
Yesterday I did a little Tai Chi. I need to do that more often. It's pretty easy movement, but it is movement. I was thinking of taking a complete day off, but honestly haven't been doing anything strenuous enough to justify it. I think maybe I'll hit the exercise cycle today.
I was thinking yesterday that one of the challenges to doing planks and pushups is just getting down into position and getting back up off the floor! Maybe I need to add a dozen reps of going to hands and knees and back up to standing. When did the floor get so far away?

Yesterday was a good food day. I feel like I really needed it. The previous days haven't been bad, but I'm trying to realize it's the average not bad days that have got me to this place of being 50 pounds overweight. I sort of doubt that tomorrow's weekly weigh-in will show any loss. It's time to start moving that needle again.

Be well,

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

October 6, Day 15

Day 5 was just another day.
I didn't do much in the way of exercise in addition to the few minutes of the 30 day challenge. I need to get a little yardwork in before the rain today. Tomorrow is a rest day on the squat/pushup/plank challenge, so I'll be doing something else--probably some time on the exercise cycle. 
I will say the 61+ year old version of me is having a more difficult time getting back to exercising than I expected.

Food wise was okay. We had dinner out with friends, but I limited myself to a sandwich and a small bag of chips. I don't know if Friday's weigh in will show any weightloss, but for now I am feeling better.


Tuesday, October 5, 2021

October 5, Day 14

Pretty much more of the same.
I did over do it a bit on the food consumption with some of Chris's birthday dessert and treats from a friend. That's not an everyday kind of thing, so I'm not too worried about it.

On the overall health and wellness front I am way past due for a visit to the doctor for a wellness physical. I may have been once since I retired nearly seven years ago. I don't get the annual once over that I got when I was working. Although the typical FAA flight physical wasn't much as complete physicals go, since the doctor we used was also my personal primary care doc, he typically did more for my annual visit and saved me the additional out-of-pocket office visit charge. He retired the same time I did.

I did find a new primary care doc, but I haven't seen her in at least 5 years. It's hard to get motivated to see a doctor when my only real health issues are sleep apnea (I have a pulmonologist for that) and being obese. I already know what too do about that.
I use OTC stuff for seasonal allergies and don't have any regular medication that I take. I'm mostly just a 61+ year old, overweight, out of shape, semi-healthy guy. I'm working on the overweight, out of shape part.

Be well,

Monday, October 4, 2021

October 4, Day 13

I added some stretching yesterday and am feeling it today. It was somewhere between yoga and stretching for a pre or post workout session, but still pretty light. I need to do more of this or a full 30 minutes of yoga on a regular basis. The week is setting up to be full of outside gardening/yardwork stuff, so I shoild be pretty active on the physical side.
It looks like the end of the week will have weather suitable for another day of paddling. I'm looking forward to it. 

The weekend was okay diet wise. As I mentioned yesterday, I need to watch portion size. I'll be eating out twice today, and that goes double for dining out portions. Overall, I'm feeling pretty good. I'm keeping things in perspective so it doesn't become a chore. I want good health to be an enjoyable lifestyle, not a life sucking daily task. 100 days should provide a decent base to build on--even if it's the last 100 days of the year.

Be well,

Sunday, October 3, 2021

October 3, Day 12

 A good day yesterday.
I'm trying to add some simple exercises to the 30 Day squat/pushup/plank challenge and I'm monitoring the squat effects on my knee. So far there is no real pain, but I don't think that's going to last for long. I'm just going to have to take it on a day by day basis. I may have to substitute something else in the place of squats.

I could have eaten less. Large portions are typical problem for me. I need to stop when I know I've had enough since my full-o-meter has long ago stopped functioning. I think I get tired of eating before I get full. 
I had my third beer in the past two weeks. Part of cutting back is just not adding the calories. Another part is knowing the negative effects a little alcohol (beer in particular) has on fat burning and weightloss.

Be well,

Saturday, October 2, 2021

October 2, Day 11

Good diet day. I feel like I'm back in the right frame of mind for healthy eating. I'll ride this wave for as long as it lasts and hope to get a good long run out of it.

I'm still going to need to find an exercise rhythm, or maybe just getting it done without a rhythm is okay.
It's day 2 on the 30 day challenge, still light and not an issue.


Friday, October 1, 2021

October 1, Day 10

Yesterday was a couple of hours of yard work. Today begins my 30 day pushup/squat/plank challenge.
I've actually already done today's part. I know that my knees (actually just my right knee) will be something to watch as I progress in the squats. Hopefully the pushup strength will come back quickly before I get too far along. Since the early days don't take very long, I should probably add some walking, cycling, or something else.

The last couple of days have been good food days and I am able to begin October at 250 lbs. rather than slightly over. I think 225 by the end of the year is a realistic goal, even with the year end holidays.

Be well,

Thursday, September 30, 2021

September 30, Day 9

I'm not doing well on this 100 Day Fitness Challenge.
I know I was giving myself these last few days of September to warmup and ease into it, but I'm going to need a bit more get-to-it kind of attitude.
I also said I didn't want to use yardwork activity as fitness activity, but that's pretty much what I did for yesterday.

I'm going to use one of those 30 Day exercise challenges for October and hope to get into the habit of doing some daily exercise. the early days aren't much and I hope to supplement with some walking, cycling, working, or other stuff, but want to focus on something every day. This is what I've chosen for October:

Diet was good yesterday--better than it has been. I need to keep that up.

Be well,

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

September 29, Day 8

I spent a couple of hours in a kayak on Lake Springfield yesterday. That was my exercise/activity for the day. The step counter on my watch uses arm motion to calculate steps. This is usually a disadvantage as it misses steps when I carrying something, pushing a cart while shopping, or using a push lawnmower. 
Yesterday it counted paddling as steps and I came off the lake with over 8000 "steps."

Unfortunately, I also worked up quite an appetite and ate a larger than I needed to dinner. It was a definite lack of self discipline on my part. 
Today would be a weigh in day but since it's the end of the month, I'm going to wait until October 1. September was pretty much a big pause in weight loss.


Tuesday, September 28, 2021

September 28, Day 7

I dusted off the exercise equipment in the basement yesterday. I pushed a few weights on the machine, used some dumbbells, and spent a little time on one of the cardio machines. I'll need to spend a little time rebuilding the muscle memory for weights and exercise. It's amazing how much longer it takes when you have a little age and it's been a while.
I put off the kayaking and plan on that being today's exercise.

Diet was okay. 
I've been careful about the added calories and metabolism effects from beer. I've only had one bottle since I've started this. I have to admit that I miss it when partaking of my other unhealthy habit--smoking a cigar. 
Yesterday was a decent diet day overall, but I think it was probably too high in calories to lose weight. I should go back to logging foods. It's just that I really hate that. September will probably be a neutral month, so I may need to consider a change for October. As is often the case, I know what works; it's just a matter of doing it.

Be well,

Monday, September 27, 2021

September 27, Day 6

Okay, so maybe I am going to count activity as fitness.
At least that's what I did for yesterday.
Today I'm going to take my new inflatable kayak out for a test run.

Diet was okay yesterday. I could have done without the ice cream last night, but I limited it to one scoop so I'm okay with it. I did a scale check this morning--no change.

Be well, 

Sunday, September 26, 2021

September 26, Day 5

Damn! I'm going to need some focus.
For my day four exercise I thought I was going to keep it simple with some stretching and light bodyweight stuff. I should have remembered that part of the reason for this 100 day challenge is that this frickin' body weighs a bunch!
I'm going to have to get back to some yoga to build both strength and flexibility back into these old muscles and joints. Still working on a daily routine for October.

Overall, a good diet day.

Be well,

Saturday, September 25, 2021

September 25, Day 4

If you're up way past midnight (2 AM) and have a snack, do the calories count for the previous day or the new day?

Overall a good day. We needed to pick up a couple of things yesterday morning, so we extended our walk a bit and walked to the nearby Dollar General. That made for a three mile walk for my day's exercise and completed the errand in the process. I realize I'm going to need to step it up on the fitness challenge, but after sitting on my ass all summer, I'm going with starting slow. I really don't want any injury setbacks.
Today might be back on the exercise bike while watching the fights later tonight.
I think I'll give myself the rest of September to do this day-by-day warmup thing and try to plan something more scheduled for the month beginning October 1.

Yesterday was a big food day (at least after 6PM) so today and tomorrow will be light days. It's all about balance, right?

Be well, 

Friday, September 24, 2021

September 24, 100 days Day 3

I know I said that I wasn't going to use yardwork activity as exercise, but...
Dang! Two and a half hours of tilling this SWMO soil kind of beat me up. The only other exercise for the day was some light stretching in the evening. Today will be better. More tilling in the plan, but I'll try to at least get a good walk in. 
It's a pretty slow start for my 100 Days of Fitness, but it's a start.

Diet was good. Good foods and not too much. Today...that's going to need some attention. With friends coming to dinner and French Silk pie on the menu for dessert--yeah, I'm going to have to sacrifice some daytime calories to make that balance. I'm also going to have to stick to a single plate of the pork and chicken fried rice that I'm making for the main course. Maybe I'll double up on the kale salad that Chris is making.

Be well,

Thursday, September 23, 2021

September 23: 100 days, Day 2

So I did manage to do 30 minutes on the exercise cycle yesterday. It's a start.
Diet-wise was another story. I gave in to a craving for a fried tenderloin sandwich and ended the day with a fried pie. That's probably a day's worth of calories in a single meal, but I didn't have much the rest of the day, so...

Today will be a pretty active day of working around the house, but I still plan on getting in some exercise. I also plan on doing better in the diet department.

I feel like I should also point out that when I talk about "diet," I am referring to what I eat, not some restrictive or structured program of eating. Our "diet" is whatever we consume so when I talk about "diet," I am just talking about what I'm consuming for the day and my overall food/drink lifestyle.

Day 2
Time to get started.


Wednesday, September 22, 2021

September 22 and 100 Days of Fitness

This week's weigh-in was like last week's weigh-in -- just on the high side of 250. Another week of no progress. 
Today's weigh-in also coincides with 100 days remaining in the year 2021.

I am going to challenge myself to 100 days of fitness. I'm not sure what that's going to look like for the entire 3+ months, but I am going to do something physically active every day, even if it's just 30 minutes on the stationary bike. Some days might be yoga or Tai-Chi. Some days might be walking. Some days may be some work with dumbbells or the weight machine. But something every day and I'm not going to count working in the yard as fitness activity. 

It's Day 1.


Wednesday, September 15, 2021

September 15, midmonth

Well we are half way through the month of September and I have made absolutely zero progress. Truth be told, I haven't been paying much attention to diet and have been pretty inactive.
Today it's back to yardwork and moving on to the next project. And while that will certainly boost the activity level, I also find that I eat better (and less) when I am working hard. Hopefully, I can still drop a few pounds by the end of the month.


Monday, September 13, 2021

September 13

I haven't been very conscientious of my diet this week. I am not looking forward to this week's weigh-in on Wednesday morning. I need to refocus.
On the fitness front, I ordered a couple of inflatable kayaks for us. It's getting late in the season for kayaking, but that got me a good deal on the boats.

We've rented a two person kayak a few times at Lake Springfield. The last time Chris said she would rather have her own. These inflatable two person kayaks will allow us each to paddle our own. The reviews said that they really aren't suitable for two adults, but with adjustable seats they work fine for one.
I am hoping to put at least one of them to good use!


Wednesday, September 8, 2021

September 8

It wasn't unexpected.
It hasn't been a good week on the diet front. It wasn't just the holiday weekend. It was mostly being lazy and not caring about how much junk I was eating. The weekly weigh-in wasn't too bad, but it definitely wasn't good as I am back on the high side of 250.

I'm not going to sweat it too much. Just going to get back to it--today.


Wednesday, September 1, 2021

September 1; Success!

I made it!
250 pounds (maybe a shade under) (113.4 kg).
I have to admit that I was a little more extreme than my normal habit for the past two days. Yesterday I ate a single serving of pork fried rice for dinner and that was my only food intake for the day. Monday was similar with a fruit and cereal breakfast and a decent plate of pork chop, salad, and veggies for dinner.
Both days were fairly active days.

So I'm back to where I was two months ago...and I feel pretty good about it!
Maybe that August 1st weight bump was the jolt I needed to get serious about paying attention to my diet. Putting on 12 lbs. (5.4 kg) in a single month is a bit of a shock. 
Why is taking it off in a single month so much harder?

I don't really expect to keep dropping weight at the same rate as I did in August. I feel that 2 lbs. per week is a healthy rate of loss and can develop sustainable habits for when I reach a healthy weight. Experience tells me that it may be slightly higher early and and slightly harder later. I'm shooting for -10 lbs. (4.5 kg) for the month of September. 

We started morning walks last month, but weren't too regular during the hotter days. We'll try to do better during September. Also, I may add more intermittent fasting days into the month, maybe once per week with the one meal and maybe a snack at some point.

So far, so good.
Here I go for month 2!


Saturday, August 28, 2021

August 28

This morning's scale read at 252, that's minus 10 pounds for the month with four days to go. Two more pounds would be nice, (and is doable) but I'm not going to stress over it. If I pay close attention to what I'm eating for the rest of the month, I should be okay.
Yesterday was a good day--for both diet and activity. I just need to do that for the next four days. Then I'll worry about September goals.

I've been more careful about sweets. I've been sticking to a frozen mixed berry smoothie as a go-to substitute for ice cream. I can add protein for a meal substitute or not for an evening snack. Sometimes I splurge and add a little chocolate syrup. I had a deep fried pork tenderloin sandwich this past week. High on fat calories, but oh so good! All-in-all, I'm just trying to maintain some sort of balance without making healthier eating an unenjoyable (and unsustainable) chore.

I'll be back on Sept 1, with the month end/beginning weigh-in and new monthly goals.

Be well,

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

August 24

So, I didn't lose any weight last week even though I had lost a pound or so at my midweek weight check. The weekend road can do that. I'll have to be more diligent this week if I'm going to end August where I started July.
I need to work in something simple in the way of exercise for September. We'll continue with the daily walks, but I need to add something else. Gotta get rid of this gut and get to feeling better physically. I don't feel bad, but I don't feel good, either.

I plan to make today a mini-fast day, maybe a late fresh fruit and protein shake and one meal this afternoon or evening. I need to end the month well.


Sunday, August 22, 2021

August 22

I was away from home this weekend so I missed my Sunday morning weigh-in. I am home now and debating about whether or not I should weigh-in tomorrow morning (Monday). It wasn't a particularly good weekend as far as healthy eating and activity go. It wasn't too bad, but I did over indulge a bit.

I guess it's all a part of the overall life. I'll probably do it. I might not report it here if it turns out to be too bad.

It is supposed to be a HOT week here -- 96f, 97f, 97f (35.5c, 36.1c) for Monday-Wednesday!
I may have to put off the yard work and figure out some other activity for the week. Heat indices at 105 and 106 degrees! That's some crazy heat for SWMO. It may be enough just to water the plants for the next few days. I may not even be out here on the deck after my morning coffee. 

We will see.

Stay cool,

Sunday, August 15, 2021

August 15; Progress...well, sort of.

After two weeks of waking up as heavy as I've ever been, I've managed to drop another 4 pounds. As much as I'd like to celebrate this morning's 254 lb. (115.2 kg) weigh-in, I need to remember that it is still 4 lbs. more than I was just seven weeks ago. The last thing I want to do is to get comfortable being the fat guy I was comfortable being in the past.
My initial hope was to end August where I started July, losing the 12 lbs. I gained in that terrible month! I should be able to do that and a bit more. September will begin the real work of reformation.

Yesterday was another active day, but no morning walk. I moved over 500 bricks--loading them onto a trailer, transporting them home, then unloading and stacking them for a future yard project. It wasn't a lot of work and it wasn't strenuous; more time consuming than anything--just activity.

There will be no morning walk today, either. It's Sunday and we'll be getting ready for church. I'll be digging in the yard later in the day. I've got a few more plants to place. If you've ever tried to dig in SWMO during August yo know it's like trying to dig in concrete. I used a heavy steel breaker bar and a posthole digger the other day and it took more than an hour to dig holes for just four plants.

Day by day.
Looking for a healthier me.


Saturday, August 14, 2021

August 14

It's been a good week. Activity level is good. We walked every morning except one and I've been getting a little yardwork done in spite of the heat. I've managed 10,000 steps everyday except the day we skipped the walk. This morning we're skipping the walk again, but will be doing some other physical work in its place.
Still no regular exercise plan other than the short (2 miles) morning walk.

Diet has been good and I expect that tomorrow's weekly weigh-in will show a slight improvement. I'll be pleased with -2 lbs. but have to admit that I'm hoping for more.

Something that I haven't really mentioned in the past--sleep--is something that also impacts good health and weight loss. I have been sleeping well and get at least 6 hours or more every night. Many nights I get a bonus cycle and have a 7.5 hour night.

Be well, 

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

August 10

Yesterday was a good day -- good diet day, and good activity day.
Chris has decided that we need to begin each day with a two-mile (3.2km) walk. We also had a shorter walk at the end of the day. In addition to my walking steps, I was busy working in the yard and racked up over 13,000 steps (6+ miles) for the day.

Overall calorie intake was down, but I did supplement my protein intake with a frozen peach and protein smoothie in the evening.

I'm hoping to keep the momentum of a good first week and build on it. The daily walk is a good addition to my routine. (We were out again early this morning.) It isn't a lot, but it is something.
It's hot today and I may skip the yardwork since we have midday dentist appointments. Tomorrow will also be hot, but I'll be able to start earlier.

Be well, 

Sunday, August 8, 2021

August 8: One week, -4 lbs.

Two things need to be said here.
1. Some days we weigh heavy and some days we weigh light.
2. Losing weight in the beginning is usually easier than later in the process.

It could be that last Sunday was a heavy day. You have to know that when I looked at the new record high weight, I stepped off the scale, checked to make sure it zeroed out correctly, and tried it again,...and again. The weight on that day was legit.

I didn't make any wholesale changes this week. Mostly I just cut out some garbage and ate less. I was fairly active a couple of days, but nothing out of the ordinary. I have been trying to be more aware of staying properly hydrated. 

Going from my new high of 262 pounds to my old high of 258 in a week seems a little unusual, but I'm going to take it! I certainly do not expect to lose 4 pounds per week while doing what I'm doing, but as the weight drops and I feel more healthy, I'm sure that I'll be more likely to take on more activity.


Thursday, August 5, 2021

August 5

I had a good diet day yesterday. My over indulgence was having a second beer while barbequing some drumsticks for dinner. Still no exercise, but a good day none the less.

My new treat is taking frozen fruit (so far it's been strawberries or peaches), adding some milk, and mixing it in our Vita-Mix. It makes a shake or something like soft serve ice cream depending on how thick I make it. I've been using fruit we bought locally and froze ourselves, but will be fine buying frozen mixed berries or other frozen fruit. It makes for a nice, no added sugar treat that I don't feel bad about indulging in. Sometimes I add a couple of scoops of protein powder to use it as a meal substitute. 

I still haven't been logging foods or counting calories. I'm putting that off in hopes that I can find a diet lifestyle that I can sustain without having to keep logging everything. I may do it if I'm not seeing results in a few weeks.


Wednesday, August 4, 2021

August 4

Yesterday wasn't a bad day. I need to work on moving my large meal to earlier in the day. I'd feel better about the large calorie meal at breakfast or lunch and going lighter at dinner. There is something to the old adage, "Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, dinner like a pauper."
Today's breakfast is a three egg omelet with cheddar cheese and salsa. It's a pretty poor kingdom!

I decided to use the push mower on the yard part of the lawn. It was 6 miles of walking. I'm glad it was a relatively cool day. There is still plenty of yardwork to do to keep me active, but still no exercise plan.


Monday, August 2, 2021

August 2

As in most self-destructive behaviors, admitting you have a problem with poor diet is the first step to correcting it. Although I do include my share of junk foods, my main issue is with overeating. I'm not talking about stuffing myself on a daily basis, just eating more than I need to eat. Over time, I've stored up enough calories to feed a small family for a week!

I had a serving of potatoes yesterday, and a serving (27 pieces) of Cheez-it crackers. Other carbs were primarily from fresh fruits and vegetables. The Cheez-its were the only processed food.
Along with watching the how much part of what I'm eating, I'm really going to watch the processed foods. If it comes in a box or bag, chances are I'm going to pass. I know there will be exceptions to that, but it's a guide that I'll be using frequently.

This morning's breakfast will be a cup of frozen peaches, a cup of milk, and two scoops of whey protein powder blended into a nice protein shake. I'll add some cinnamon and maybe some chia seeds. Yeah, I know--the protein is processed, but it's an exception I'm willing to make. I don't know what the rest of the day holds. I'll play it as it comes along.

Over the past decades, I've done this often enough to know how my body reacts to eating or not eating certain foods. The real key for me is to overcome the pleasure of eating good tasting foods and just eating what I need to function well. It's the old--eat to live, not live to eat--battle. And it's a daily struggle--for sure!

I haven't figured out the exercise part yet. For today it will be more about activity rather than exercise. I'll get that part figured out. For now, I'm going to start with the diet.


Sunday, August 1, 2021

August 1, 2021: Ugh!

This morning I stepped on the scale and was at the heaviest I have ever been.
Yes, I have regained the 60 pounds (27.2 kg) that I lost several years ago and added a few pounds to boot!

Sacrebleu! That's a big ass ol' boy!
I've get to get this figured out in my head so that I can work a plan to get healthy. Fortunately, I don't have any underlying health issues. I'm just fat.
And lazy.

Here we go again...


Thursday, July 1, 2021

July 1

Well it is July.
I begin July in pretty much the same place as I was mid-June --  250lbs (113.4kg).
I was more active, but have yet to begin exercising regularly.
Diet is about the same.

Damn, gotta get focused.


Thursday, June 17, 2021

Eating on the road

Two back-to-back days of eating on the road sucked.
I did the food log and was over on both days -- just barely on one day, well over on the other.
No exercise either day. That's coming, but probably not until July.

Today's a new day.
Here we go!


Monday, June 14, 2021

Here I go again!

It has been a while since my last post. 
I posted this over at Out of My Hat. 
Yeah, it's time to get busy, once again.

I'm back to logging foods on the My Fitness Pal app. It's kind of a pain in my oversized ass, but it seems the best way for me to help reduce the size of it. I've done well today and still have 450 calories available today, so I'm good for a late snack if I decide I really want one.

I did not get any exercise in today. I still need to decide what that's going to look like. I get some daily activity in just by working around the yard, but activity is different from exercise and I need to figure out what I'm going to do.

I'm pleased with this as a first day back to paying attention to my diet.
I need to push to protein up a bit (that always seems to be a challenge).
My break down today is 42% carbs, 33% fats and 25% protein.
My target is 35% carbs, 35% fats, and 30% protein.
I don't mind the carbs being up a little if it is from whole grains or fresh fruits. I just want to be careful about the added sugars and processed starches.

Tonight's dinner:
Baked potato w/butter and sour cream
Smoked salmon
Kale salad.

Be well, 

Monday, April 12, 2021

Weekend update

I did nothing.
It's Monday.
Better get busy.


Saturday, April 10, 2021

Friday fail

A little pacing just before midnight put me over the 10,000 step mark for the day, but that was the only minor fitness success of the day. I did put in about six hours of yard work -- hauling a dozen more bags of soil and compost, finishing a couple of flower beds, picking up four bags of gravel, and planting a few bulbs and plants in the rocky soil of Southwest MO.
More of the same after this day's morning rain, but I should get some time in on the weight machine.

Be will,

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Thursday, April 8

Yeah, I'm actually writing on Thursday evening instead of Friday morning.
I'm going to change up what I've been doing so far in April. While walking is a good, easy daily exercise, it has its downsides. One of them is that it takes so long to get in a meaningful walk. I think I'll plan to keep walking as a part of a weekly routine (or maybe even a shorter daily walk), but I'm going to nix the 100 miles for this month. 
I'll keep the 100 reps of something daily and make that an additional part of something else. I'd like to get back to daily Tai Chi. This week I've been pretty active with working on flowerbeds and landscaping. There will be plenty of that this spring and summer. I do realize there is a significant difference between activity and exercise. While I do see the exercise as more focused and important, just being active is more suited to what I am looking for.
Today's activity was getting another 15 bags of mulch and mulching two flower beds. It's not much, but the other flowerbed that needs work is on the windy side of the house and will have to wait for a less windy day.
My 100 rep exercise was donkey kicks. Not much to that. I'll start on doing more tomorrow (Friday).
It's 8:30 and I'm only at 6400 steps, so it doesn't look like I'll be making it to 10,000.

Be well,

Wednesday, April 7, 2021


Four mile walk. 15,000+ steps.
100 reps, 100# bench press on the weight machine.
I know it's not much, but looking to get back to activity without injury so I figured to use a weight I was sure I could do. Taking into consideration how the other 100 rep exercises have gone, I'll still be a little stiff tomorrow. 
I did some more digging and moving dirt for another flower bed yesterday. I'd much rather be getting my activity by working around the yard, but having the practice of at least one focused exercise is good, too.

Today has a 50% chance of rain pretty much throughout the day. I don't know what that means as far as walking goes. I'll have to play it by ear. I have a midday meeting, so maybe it will clear up by mid-afternoon. Yard work will have to wait for another day.

Be well,

Tuesday, April 6, 2021


Okay, so Monday was kind of a bust as far as the 100s go.
It was a busy day and full of activity, and I didn't go for a walk other than to get the mail (1/4 mile). I did manage 10,000+ steps while working in the yard, but no "walking" miles.

Neither did I do 100 reps of anything.
My exercise came in the form of getting soil, compost, and mulch for our flower beds and garden,
Sixteen 40 pound bags of soil and compost, and five bags of mulch -- pallet to cart, cart to car, car to wheelbarrow, and wheelbarrow to flower beds or stacked until I used them today.

I transplanted two perennial plant from where they were last year to where they will get more sun. Then I turned the dirt to plant 18 hostas in an area that will get about 3 hours of direct sunlight per day, and planted and mulched them. I also planted and mulched seven more hostas in a bed I had prepared on Saturday. They should fill in nicely.

I've got plenty more work like that for today, so I think I'll get my walk in early. I'm going to have to add some distance to make up for the missed day. I plan on using the weight machine bench press for today's 100 reps, although I'm not sure of the weight yet. I'll figure it out when I get to it.

Be well, 


Monday, April 5, 2021


I did take a 3.5 mile walk yesterday. My pace was a more normal, easy pace, but I got the steps in (11,480 total for the day). I guess I walk at a slower pace listening to the Cardinals losing that I do listening to classic rock music.
I skipped the 100 reps yesterday. It was more a matter of having the kids over for Easter dinner than anything. I certainly could have worked it in, but didn't. I may work on 100 reps of two exercises today or I may just move on.

I expect most of my activity today will be working in the yard. 
This morning I'll be getting some topsoil, manure/soil mix, and mulch for flower beds and garden boxes.
Oh boy!

Back to classic rock on the walk today!


Sunday, April 4, 2021

April 3rd

I upped the walking distance by a mile to 4 miles. That puts me at 10 miles in three days and on pace to make my 100 miles for the month. I should probably work and building a cushion since there are sure to be rainy days in April. Between church this morning, dinner this evening, and planting some hostas this afternoon, today will probably not be the day I start on building that cushion.
Yesterday was a 14,000+ step day.

Since I did a bit of yard work after walking, I gave myself an easy 100 rep day and did lightweight dumbbell curls. 
Diet for the past couple of days has been decent -- today will probably be a different story. We'll see.

Be well,


Saturday, April 3, 2021

Only 94 Miles to Go!

I'm thinking that maybe I bit off more than I can chew.

The 100 mile goal for walking is doable, but is going to take more effort than I was thinking. I really have to get my mind back into the habit of a good daily walk. I've really been stepping out these first two days but will give myself permission to ease up when I feel like it. The bad thing about slower/farther is it takes more time. Of course, time isn't really that big of an issue on most days.

The 100 reps of something -- I'm going to have to be more careful in my choices. 
On day 1 I chose squats. The squats themselves weren't too bad, but my quads and ass were feeling it late yesterday and this morning.
Day 2 was sit-ups. Oof! That was way harder than I expected. Even with spacing out set through the afternoon and evening it was still difficult. I am not looking forward to the sore abs later today.

I'm going to have to remember that I'm an overweight, out of shape, 60 year old when I make my daily rep exercise choices. Can I use 100 minutes of meditation and call it mental exercise?
I will probably use the weight machine for a few things. I know I'm not ready for a 100 pushup day, so I think I'll pick a decent weight for a chest press and work towards the 100 pushups. I'll probably do the same for pulldowns, rows, and maybe an upright shoulder press. I might as well make use of this equipment that we have.

Oh! The daily walks have pushed my step totals back up over the 10,000 step count, so that's a bonus.

Day 3 is here!


Friday, April 2, 2021

April -- 100s

I don't know if this is a good idea or not, but it's an idea from my brother.
100 miles -- he's running them; I'm walking.
100 reps of something every day - squats, pushups, mountain climbers, lunges, etc.

Yesterday I did a brisk 3 mile walk (going to have to up the distance), and 100 free squats.
It was a spur of the moment decision and I don't know about today. Maybe 100 crunches or sit-ups? Idk.
I'm thinking another 3 mile day today, but will have to plan for longer walks to make the 100 total miles. In the back of my mind is adding a little running, but I also know that it will probably stay in the back of my mind (which is where it belongs). 

It's day 2.

Be well,

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Really Sucking at Healthy Living

Yeah, I really am sucking at the healthy living thing.
I am not finding a rhythm for exercise - not even regular walking.
My diet isn't too terrible, but I eat way too much. I realize that's a bit of a contradiction, but I think you know what I mean. 
I haven't lost any weight this year (actually may have gained a couple of pounds), and still can't seem to find the motivation to change things much.

I suppose that part of the problem is that I am unaware of any underlying health issues. My BP and cholesterol levels are good. My heart seems to be healthy. I'm still mentally sharp. And I am pretty much enjoying life. 

The thing is -- I know I can be better!
If you know better; do better -- right?

New month tomorrow. 
I wonder what I can accomplish in 30 days.
I'm going to dig in and find out.

Be well,

Monday, February 1, 2021


Well it is February. I did manage to get back to walking a little bit last month -- 5 of 7 days this past week.
I'll eventually work on getting the daily distance back up to 3+ miles, but am okay with a regular 2 for now. I did manage 10,000+ steps on three of those five days.
My February plan is to add a MWF routine with some weights. I'm more interested in some conditioning and muscle tone rather than strength. I don't have the need for great strength except to haul my fat ass down the road on my daily walks. There is no heavy lifting and I don't plan on needing to beat up on anyone so bulking up just isn't a priority.
I forgot it was Monday when I got up so I didn't weigh-in this morning. Maybe I will later; maybe not.


Thursday, January 28, 2021

Still Stepping Out

I've managed to keep walking through this current cold spell. Since beginning on the 14th, I took the two Sundays off (planned) and used the indoor cycle once. Other than that, I've walked every day and topped my 8000 step goal. I've topped 10,000 steps four times. It's not a grand achievement, but at least the habit is reforming. If I up my daily walking distance, I'll go back to 10k as a daily step goal. I'm good with 8k for now.
I keep telling myself that I need to do more in the way of exercise, I just haven't put the action to the thought. I really don't have the excuse as I have plenty of time, space and equipment for a good, hard workout. Maybe, maybe not.

Diet wise -- we've kept from buying much in the way of junk food snack stuff. That's been a help. We need more fruit. Apple slices and peanut butter is a favorite snack of mine. 
What's your go-to mostly healthy kind of snack?
What's your guilty pleasure snack? (Pecan shortbread cookies and milk is mine.)

Be well,

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Week 1

Today ends the first full week of reactivation. I actually started last Friday with a walk, followed by some indoor work on Saturday, and a day off on Sunday.
I know a day off after only two light days seems a bit lazy, but Sundays off will be my plan. Walking isn't a big deal, so I may still be walking on most weeks, but I'll leave that decision to each week, or I may use Sundays as make up days should I miss a day during the week.

This is my step chart since last Friday. The dotted line is my daily 8,000 step goal. I should manage 8k today and will probably be on the exercise bike while watching part of the fights tonight. I topped 10k twice this week. 
Included on my watch data is a heartrate monitor. I was a little surprised to see my resting heartrate at 62bpm - not too bad for an old, out of shape, fat guy.

Diet awareness continues to be okay, although I haven't gone back to logging foods and counting calories. I don't really want to do that since I don't think it's a long-term sustainable kind of thing and I'm more interested in being healthy rather than just losing weight. I may change my mind on that, but for now I'm okay with just paying closer attention to overall consumption and what I need balanced with what I want.

Right now, I want another cup of coffee.

Be well,