Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Dec 4: Planning ahead

The month is off to a good start!
I've managed to walk 8 miles in the first 3 days (2,3,3) and I topped 10,000 steps on two of those days. My plan is to walk (or something) six days per week. "Or something" is for days when the weather is prohibitive and I will probably be using the indoor cycle. I realize that means I probably won't hit my 10,000 steps on those days, but that's not a really big deal.

I have to admit that even something as simple as walking can cause a little stiffness of the muscles and soreness in the joints for a fat guy that hasn't been out for quite a few months. Some yoga will probably find its way into my day to help with that. I've also been including some free squats for the legs and a little dumbbell work for the arms. I really need some good core work, too, but I'm going to be happy to walk daily for now.

I've also decided to move my weekly weigh-in day from Monday morning to Saturday morning.
Weekend indulgence shows up on a Monday weigh-in and can be a little discouraging at times.

We've finished the caramel chocolate holiday candy that Chris made, so that particular dietary temptation in gone (for now). I think I may make cookies from a recipe I posted on this blog some time ago. You can find it here if you care to try it.

Be well,

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