Sunday, June 29, 2014


June is almost over and I am very happy to have just one day left in the 30-day Ab Challenge!
I can't say that I'm happy that I did it or that I received any noticeable benefit from it. I'm just glad that I stuck it out and that it will end with tomorrow's 125 sit-ups, 200 crunches, 65 leg raises and 120s plank.

So, what do I do for July?

One of the negatives (to losing 60 pounds) that I'm discovering is that sitting is less comfortable. I've lost most of my ass padding!  I guess I'm going to have to start working on building a little bit of ass muscle in the coming month. Glutes! I should call them my glutes (gluteus maximus)  .

Squats, kick-backs, lunges, bridges, whatever will build my butt, I mean glutes.

I'm not planning on body building. I just want to develop some strength and be fit. I need to work on a little bit of arm strength and I would like to be able to do a couple of sets of 10 pull-ups. That may not sound like much, but a year ago I couldn't even do a single pull-up. Now I can do a couple sets of...well, 3. But that's a big step for an out of shape old man.

Arms. Back. And butt.

I'll need to figure out the what and when and try to plan it in accordance with my crazy ATC work schedule.
Some days, just finding the time to take a decent walk can be a challenge--especially when there is weather to deal with. Fortunately, I have the indoor cycle and Nordic Track for such occasions.
Also, I don't plan on abandoning the abs or push-ups as a regular part of exercise; I just need to give some added attention the arms, back and butt.

I'll let you know what I come up with...when I come up with it.

John <><

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