Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Mid-June Assessment

We are at the halfway point for the month and time to make a quick assessment of my June goals.

I am on track to make my 400,000 steps (barely) and thinking about setting a goal of 500,000 for July.
I have upped my running activity, but still struggle with the motivation to actually get out there and run. For now, twice a week is enough to satisfy me but probably not enough to meet my inverse pyramid goal. We'll see.

I have yet to work on the strength training or HIIT exercises. Again, motivation is the problem. I suppose that some sort of workout buddy or accountability partner would help, but I don't want to be on someone else's schedule and I prefer to walk/run/exercise on my own. I get a bunch of motivational tweets in my Twitter feed but haven't done more than the walk/run stuff.

I will say that the few friends I have on RunKeeper are inspiring. It is beneficial to see their regular activity and more motivational than random memes from people I don't really know.

Food wise I've done well and managed to drop a couple of more pounds. Again, I'm less concerned with the weight and more concerned about how I look and feel.

All-in-all, it has been a decent, stress free month. I'll work on the self-motivation thing and start by planning a HIIT session for tomorrow morning.

20 jumping jacks
10 burpees
20 crunches
20 mountain climbers
30 second wall sit
30 second plank


I'll let you know how it goes.

John <><

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