Thursday, June 25, 2015

Here's to Good Health!

I was telling some people at a church I visited last weekend that I had recently retired. An older woman asked, "How's your health?"

I've got to tell you that it felt pretty good to say that it is the best it has been in decades!

Truthfully, I'm 55 and the signs of living an unhealthy lifestyle for so many years are still evident. I have a bad knee and my feet sometimes hurt from walking or running. I have this loose skin around my middle from being overweight and will probably never be able to display the much coveted six pack or washboard abs. My hair is thinning and grey and I have the facial wrinkles of age and recent weight loss. My arms are relatively thin (always have been), and my hands sometimes hurt from a little arthritis.

I'm under no delusions of ever being a prime physical specimen of the adult human male, but I am happy and healthy and I enjoy my daily walks and simple exercise.

Yes, I still indulge in some junk foods but tend to do so less often and in smaller portions. I still make excuses about going for a walk -- It's too hot. It's too humid. It's raining. -- but usually manage a short walk or other form of exercise. When it comes right down to it, I'm generally pretty lazy and often do the bare minimum to maintain an appearance of living a healthy lifestyle.

I am realizing that you don't have to be an athlete or even athletic to have good health. Make a small series of simple choices and you are soon on your way to better health.

Cut out sodas -- even diet soda. Drink water or tea.
Eat fruits or vegetables for snacks.
Try to avoid boxed or prepackaged foods.
Eat less fried food, especially food fried in vegetable oil.
Begin each day with a glass of water and a healthy breakfast that includes some protein.

Five simple steps.
Here's to good health!
Here's to your good health!

Be well,
John <><

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