Sunday, August 15, 2021

August 15; Progress...well, sort of.

After two weeks of waking up as heavy as I've ever been, I've managed to drop another 4 pounds. As much as I'd like to celebrate this morning's 254 lb. (115.2 kg) weigh-in, I need to remember that it is still 4 lbs. more than I was just seven weeks ago. The last thing I want to do is to get comfortable being the fat guy I was comfortable being in the past.
My initial hope was to end August where I started July, losing the 12 lbs. I gained in that terrible month! I should be able to do that and a bit more. September will begin the real work of reformation.

Yesterday was another active day, but no morning walk. I moved over 500 bricks--loading them onto a trailer, transporting them home, then unloading and stacking them for a future yard project. It wasn't a lot of work and it wasn't strenuous; more time consuming than anything--just activity.

There will be no morning walk today, either. It's Sunday and we'll be getting ready for church. I'll be digging in the yard later in the day. I've got a few more plants to place. If you've ever tried to dig in SWMO during August yo know it's like trying to dig in concrete. I used a heavy steel breaker bar and a posthole digger the other day and it took more than an hour to dig holes for just four plants.

Day by day.
Looking for a healthier me.


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