Friday, January 8, 2016

End of Week 1, 2016

The year is 1 week old.
How are those resolutions coming along?

For me --
I have managed to lose a few of pounds -- 3.2 pounds since 12/28; and have been tracking my food intake.
I've managed at least 10,000 steps every day (79K+ in 7 days) and walked 24.6 miles on my daily walks.

Still need to do --
We are still eating out too often. I think that I need to have dinner ready (or at least started) when Chris gets off work to keep us at home. That will help. At least I've been making good choices out -- veggie sandwich and Caesar salad, grilled salmon salad, chicken nachos  (okay, maybe not so much on the nachos).
Also, I need to find a routine for exercise other than walking -- body weight exercises, weight machine circuits, cardio, yoga.
I finally bought a new pair of shoes and may start a little running. Maybe not. Truthfully, I'm just not motivated to do much running.
I'm considering upgrading my RunKeeper app to get more information from my workouts.

All-in-all, I'm pretty happy with the first week start.
Maybe I'll try to keep up with the Friday status reports.

I hope that you are satisfied with your first week. If not, begin with the second week of the year.

Be well,
John <><

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