Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Where is Thomas Edison's Doctor?

"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease." --Thomas Edison

Unfortunately, such doctor's are in the minority in Edison's future (our present) world.

I think that too many of today's doctors are agents of the pharmaceutical companies. Drugs that treat symptoms are the script of the day. We treat the symptoms of our illnesses rather than preventing disease in the first place.

We have allowed ourselves to believe the lies of the big food companies and the pharmaceutical companies that we can live and eat as we want and then take a pill that will counteract the effects of our bad decisions. We have allowed our government to supplement these companies so that they make huge profits while poisoning the people into poor health and premature death.

I know of more and more people that are finally seeing the light and either growing their own food or looking for organically grown, non GMO foods at farmers' markets and their local grocery stores.

In a world where information is readily available, it is amazing that we ignore the information that can give us more productive and longer lives in favor of pigging out on another greasy burger topped with bacon and three kinds of cheese. Add a side of trans-fat fried potatoes and a sugar filled soda, please!

But I don't like vegetables! I'm a meat and potatoes guy!

Recently, I was told that the French have a way of dealing with children that are picky eaters. When met with an "I don't like broccoli (or whatever else they might not like)," the response is "You don't like the way it is prepared. We'll prepare it differently and try it again."

Find a way to eat the foods that you need to eat. I do take supplements, but supplements are not a replacement for good foods.
Eat real food; real vegetables, real fruit, and small amounts of good meats (if you choose to eat meat).
Be active. Walk more often. Park far away from your destination. Take the stairs.
Small steps. Just keep moving.

While we still need doctors for many things, we don't need them for learning about good health. On whatever device you are reading this blog, you have access to the libraries and the knowledge of the world. Whether or not you choose to apply it for good health and long life is up to you.

Be well,
John <><

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