Monday, July 11, 2016

July 11, Daily diet and fitness diary

So I kind of gave myself an off day yesterday.
Or at least it started off that way. I still tracked everything and was still within my daily allotment of calories, and I still managed a decent break down on protein, fats and carbs ... until the late night Reissen binge! No worries, though.
No real exercise, just 45 minutes of mowing the lawn.

I was at home this morning and stepped on the scale for my Monday weigh-in and it was the same as yesterday's 225.0.

Now it's camp week and we'll see how this goes. I have some protein bars and some apples and I brought my own coffee and single cup pour over brew set-up. I was offered a cup of coffee when I arrived this morning, but having already spotted the Folgers canister near the coffee maker, I simply said, "No, thank-you."

They were loading a couple of large briskets into the ovens when I arrived this morning and I saw them peeling potatoes at lunch time, so dinner tonight should be wonderful! I'll just need to watch the portion size.

Until tomorrow --
Be well.


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