Thursday, July 24, 2014

Healthy Eating ...FAIL!

I knew that I was going to be making a stop at a White Castle yesterday. I knew that the two double jalapeno cheeseburgers that I was going to have were not a healthy choice.  I didn't expect to add a few single jalapeno cheeseburgers or an order of fries...but I did.


Those calories add up quickly...especially the fries!

For the most part, I've avoided both potatoes and fried foods. I eat potatoes more as a condiment with meals, rather than a side dish. When frying foods, I generally use coconut oil.

Oh, well!

Over all the day wasn't a complete bust. My total calorie intake wasn't too bad and I managed to get in a couple of miles walking. I'll get some walking in today, as well and I'll do better on the food side. If you're in the same daily struggle of fighting good choices vs bad choices, I'd say don't sweat it if you manage to make good choices most of the time. I still occasionally have snack foods like potato chips. I still have an occasional ice cream. I eat hamburgers, hotdogs and brats...all in limited amounts, and all with an awareness of the consequences.

Sometimes the trade off is a little extra walking (never enough to off-set the extra calories); sometimes it's less eating later and sometimes (most of the time) it's putting the day behind me and moving on.
So today, I'll be back on track with no real harm done.

I will say that I can now feel the physical effects of the poor choices...poor digestion, poor energy and an overall sluggish feeling. I think that once you've pretty much eliminated the crap from your diet, it is much easier to sense the effects of those unhealthy foods in an otherwise healthy diet.
I guess that's a good thing.

Have a healthy day.
Eat well.
Exercise (even a little).
Make good choices.

Be well,
John <><

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