Sunday, July 27, 2014

Sunday morning thoughts...

It's nice to be sitting in my own home with a freshly brewed cup of coffee. I really don't mind being on the road, but it does interrupt my already irregular schedule.

While I managed the exercise part of my daily routine fairly well, the diet part pretty much sucked. Eating on the road is much tougher. Even if you manage to make healthy choices (and I don't always), it is difficult not to rush through a meal in order to get back on the road.
...And the portion sizes! Ugh!

It's easy to blame environment or company, but in the end--we make our own decisions. Many of my diet choices have not been to my benefit lately. It's time to get back to making bad choices the exception to an otherwise healthy meal plan. I have managed to put a few pounds back on over the past month and need to reverse that trend right away.

One of the benefits of the calendar is that every 24 hours you get a new day; every seven days, a new week; and every 4+ weeks, a new month!

Today is a new day and the first day of a new week.
What ever you have been putting off, start!
What ever you have been messing up, fix!
What ever goals you have set aside, renew!

What's it gonna be?
Give up and lose?
Or fight on?

Be well,
John <><

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