Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Weight Management

I've decided that this whole weight management thing is a pain in the butt when you look at it as weight management. I've really abandoned the idea of "dieting" for weight loss or weight maintenance and adopted the philosophy of eating for good health.

As a part of that, I'm beginning a shift in how I consume energy (eat) by basing  it on my energy needs. I'm going to move towards the eating philosophy of "Breakfast like a king. Lunch like a prince. Dinner like a pauper."

While this is counter cultural to our society's way of eating, it makes great sense from an energy management perspective. The time of day when we need to fuel up is in the morning. Breakfast should be a healthy mix of high energy, long lasting foods with good carbs, good fats and lean protein.

I'm shooting for about half of my daily calories at breakfast, a third at lunch and the balance in a couple of snacks and a small dinner. This makes sense in my head and should work well in practice. I'll keep you posted on the reality.

Be well,
John <><


  1. I'd be interested in how that works for you. 1/2 one's calories at breakfast is a lot of food. Of course it doesn't necessarily need to be breakfast food, right? Good luck to you John.

  2. My "breakfast" calories will come in two sittings. About 400-450 in a pre-workout protein smoothie and then a 500 calorie post exercise meal.
