Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Making Adjustments

Okay, so my brother suggested that I might be a little ambitious with stepping up my running as much as I planned on this week, He might be right.

The daily 10,000 steps won't be a problem (except for the stormy day in the forecast). I've kept up with the squats and push ups, but not the ab work. I still haven't worked into a workout pattern other than getting out to walk (and now sometimes, walk/run) every day.

After yesterday's walk/run (alternating half miles, beginning and ending with walks), I am feeling the effects of being old(er) and out of shape. Actually, it didn't feel too bad during the runs, and I felt pretty good yesterday night (you know, that good kind of tired), but the legs and feet are sore today. So it will be an easy slow walk today and maybe I'll rethink the total running distance for this week and work my up more slowly. I was really expecting more difficulty from cardio conditioning than from muscle/joint soreness.

Yeah, this aging thing has its drawbacks.

Enough moaning! Back to it (with some small adjustments due to not being as young as I used to be)!

Be well,

John <><

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