Sunday, March 1, 2015

In Like a Lion...

It is March!
The sun is making its way back towards the northern hemisphere.
Spring is just around the corner.
Life is good.

In February, I managed to stop the slow weight climb and am back on a downward trend. I am looking forward to being outside more as the weather warms up. Today is supposed to be above freezing but I'm guessing that the snow cover and clouds will keep the temps below the forecasts.

I'll probably get out and shovel the driveway today, although it seems a little silly. Warmer temps and rain in the coming days will take care of it naturally if I decide to wait. It will be a decent little workout and I want to get out and get a walk anyway, will probably happen.

I'm thinking about March health/fitness goals and haven't really set any yet. I completed the 30 Day Squat/Push-up Challenge last week and have started to prepare for the Burpee Challenge. I am starting to get my exercise time in earlier in the day. I think that is important for revving up the metabolism for the day ahead. It's a little unnatural for me (exercise is unnatural, much less doing it early), so that is a bit of a challenge. I'm looking forward to morning walks as soon as it warms up.

As a loner, it is more difficult to keep after it on a daily basis. A fitness partner would be nice, but finding one that has similar goals and temperament is difficult. In the end, since better health is for me, I have to be the one to keep motivated. The same goes for you.

I do find motivation from many of the Twitter feeds I follow.
Where do you find your motivation?

It's March!
Roar like a lion!
Be fit!
Be healthy!
Be well,

John <><

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