Monday, October 4, 2021

October 4, Day 13

I added some stretching yesterday and am feeling it today. It was somewhere between yoga and stretching for a pre or post workout session, but still pretty light. I need to do more of this or a full 30 minutes of yoga on a regular basis. The week is setting up to be full of outside gardening/yardwork stuff, so I shoild be pretty active on the physical side.
It looks like the end of the week will have weather suitable for another day of paddling. I'm looking forward to it. 

The weekend was okay diet wise. As I mentioned yesterday, I need to watch portion size. I'll be eating out twice today, and that goes double for dining out portions. Overall, I'm feeling pretty good. I'm keeping things in perspective so it doesn't become a chore. I want good health to be an enjoyable lifestyle, not a life sucking daily task. 100 days should provide a decent base to build on--even if it's the last 100 days of the year.

Be well,

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