Sunday, December 30, 2018

Dec 30 (end of day)

Good exercise day.
Decent food day.

I walked 3.86 miles this afternoon, but took my time. I encountered a few sprinkles along the way, but nothing that would send me in. I also added 30 minutes on the stationary cycle while watching last night's Fight Pass Prelims on TV.

Breakfast, lunch and dinner were all pretty good. We've just about finished the Christmas candy and sweet treats.

For January I'm going to try to do more to keep the metabolism up and running. I think I'll look to spread out my active time and start the day with a brief (30 minutes) ride on the indoor cycle before breakfast, and then still try to manage a walk (3+ miles) later in the day. I'm also going to add some simple body weight exercises like squats, push-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups, etc. Maybe some dumbbell exercises, too.

Plus I'll be logging foods again.
That's really kind of a pain in the butt, but I do a better job of eating well and eating less.
I'll weigh in on Tuesday morning.

Be well,

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