Monday, June 8, 2020

June 8: An Unexpected Challenge

It's Monday and that means it's weekly weigh in day.
This morning's scale was a solid 240, so I made my first interim goal a few days early.

I had a very weak step day yesterday (2,911), but did get a good 45 minutes on the exercise cycle. I am okay with that and actually starting to prefer it as a daily exercise time. I get more cardio benefit from cycling than from walking and also burn more calories.

But ...
Last night I received a text from my younger sister asking if I made my 10k steps and making a challenge that we both get our 10,000 steps for today.
Sacrebleu! I guess I'm in for 10k steps today.

Yesterday was a good day on the diet. I still need to up the protein intake so I might decide to make a protein shake a daily snack or meal replacement for a period of time. I have twelve weeks to lose my next 20 pounds. I know it's not a great challenge for the weight loss, but the weight is just a way to measure my progress. The real goal is to be more healthy, and that includes how (and what) I eat as well as getting to and maintaining a more healthy level of fitness.

Be well,

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