Monday, June 8, 2020

June 9: Mission Accomplished

It's actually a few minutes before midnight on the 8th as I write this day's report.
I just passed 12,000 steps so it was a good activity day. I'd like to be able to report a purposeful day of planned exercise, but that isn't what happened. What happened is I worked at clearing almost all of the stuff out of the garage. That meant a bunch of trips from the garage, around the house to the basement. I moved a couple of pieces of furniture as well as boxes, tubs, and pictures. 
By the time I was finished I not only had 10,000+ steps, we are now able to park both cars and the motorcycle in the garage!

On the diet front, I had planned a modified intermittent fast day. The initial plan was to eat between noon and 8pm. Noon turned into 4 o'clock before I stopped working and had a nice mixed berry, protein smoothie. We had dinner around 5:30 and I finished out the day with a blueberry protein smoothie around 8. 
Over-all I was below my starting calorie target for the day. Add in the exercise calories from 12,000 steps and I ended up with over 1000 calories still on the table (so to speak).

Little sister set tomorrow's (6/9) step count at 7,500. I think I'll walk my bicycle the mile to the gas station, air up the tires, and ride it home. That will cover almost a third of my steps and take care of getting air in the bike tires. I suppose I'll do the same with Chris's bike at some point.

Be well,

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