Sunday, November 14, 2021

November 14, No Excuses

I thought I'd post my breakfast pic and recipe from yesterday. It's a little variation on my fried oatmeal. I like this no egg approach better and it makes it vegan friendly. It does make for a larger breakfast than I typically have, but I don't mind moving towards larger meals earlier and smaller meals later. It fits with the weight control adage -- Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, dinner like a pauper.

Start with a small ripe banana and mash it in a bowl. Add a half cup of old fashioned rolled oats and a quarter cup of crushed walnuts. I like to season it with a bit of cinnamon. Mix it well so that it will stay together in a ball or patty and fry it on the griddle or in a skillet. I use just a little coconut oil and medium heat. I topped mine with a cup of frozen mixed berries that I heated in the microwave. It ends up with 537 calories. It's a little high in fat from the walnuts (18g), but it's the good Omega 3 fats we need. It also has 7g of protein.
It was pretty tasty!

I had a pretty good day food wise. I was (again) right at the daily calorie allotment, but pretty satisfied with what I'm consuming. I am liking plant based eating for keeping a full feeling without packing on the calories. 

On the fitness side I spent time on the indoor cycle and with the dumbbells. That seems to be a good cool weather/bad weather fit and I'll work on keeping that up in the coming weeks. It really isn't much of a workout. I may put more into it as time passes, or I may just be satisfied with the regular activity level it brings as is. It's not like I'm planning a 50 mile run like my niece Laura just completed, or a century bicycle ride like my nephew Joe does on a regular basis. I just need to manage the stairs from the deck to the garden!

My regular weekly weigh-in isn't until tomorrow, but I stepped on the scale this morning to see how it was looking and it read 240. I'm feeling pretty good about it.



  1. Thank you for sharing. I am starting a weight loss/better lifestyle journey tomorrow. I have been making some gradual changes the last 2 weeks. My goal is to lose 120 pounds and increase my exercise to 45 minutes twice a day 6 days a week. Pray for me please.

    1. Sandy, consider reading Eat to Live by Dr Joel Fuhrman. I certainly don't agree with everything he writes and know that some things are a little misleading. However, he does make some excellent points and I like his perspective on eating to live a long and healthy life. The book isn't about weightloss as much as it is about healthful eating. A healthy weight is the byproduct of a good diet.
